Chemistry colleges in Bhadrak
In Bhadrak, there are 4 Chemistry colleges. Out of which, there is a split of colleges by ownership, public private: 1 and private: 1.
Location wise
There are numerous colleges offering Chemistry in Bhadrak. Out of which, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa have the most colleges offering a given course, stream, or specialisation. See the table below for cities/states in India that offer colleges with the specified courses, streams, or specialisations.
Location Details | Colleges |
Uttar Pradesh | 508 Colleges |
Orissa | 463 Colleges |
Tamil Nadu | 447 Colleges |
Maharashtra | 361 Colleges |
Andhra Pradesh | 311 Colleges |
Karnataka | 258 Colleges |
Madhya Pradesh | 256 Colleges |
Bihar | 254 Colleges |
Rajasthan | 237 Colleges |
West Bengal | 224 Colleges |
Telangana | 213 Colleges |
Kerala | 192 Colleges |
Orissa - Other | 145 Colleges |
Delhi/NCR | 141 Colleges |
Gujarat | 133 Colleges |
Uttar Pradesh - Other | 107 Colleges |
Chhattisgarh | 98 Colleges |
Jharkhand | 92 Colleges |
Assam | 91 Colleges |
Punjab | 91 Colleges |
Colleges in Bhadrak offers bundle of Chemistry specialisations. Out of which, specialisation 1 is the most well-known specialisation offered by Chemistry in Bhadrak. See the table below showing specialisations offered by various colleges.
Specialization Details | Colleges |
Zoology | 5 Colleges |
Botany | 4 Colleges |
Chemistry | 4 Colleges |
Mathematics | 4 Colleges |
Physics | 4 Colleges |
Computer Science | 1 Colleges |
Entrance Exams
Applicants must pass a number of entry exams at the national, state, or university levels. The top entrance exams for various institutions in Bhadrak
In Bhadrak, there are 4 Chemistry colleges. Out of which, there is a split of colleges by ownership, public private: 1 and private: 1.
Location wise
There are numerous colleges offering Chemistry in Bhadrak. Out of which, Uttar Pradesh and Orissa have the most colleges offering a given course, stream, or specialisation. See the table below for cities/states in India that offer colleges with the specified courses, streams, or specialisations.
Location Details | Colleges |
Uttar Pradesh | 508 Colleges |
Orissa | 463 Colleges |
Tamil Nadu | 447 Colleges |
Maharashtra | 361 Colleges |
Andhra Pradesh | 311 Colleges |
Karnataka | 258 Colleges |
Madhya Pradesh | 256 Colleges |
Bihar | 254 Colleges |
Rajasthan | 237 Colleges |
West Bengal | 224 Colleges |
Telangana | 213 Colleges |
Kerala | 192 Colleges |
Orissa - Other | 145 Colleges |
Delhi/NCR | 141 Colleges |
Gujarat | 133 Colleges |
Uttar Pradesh - Other | 107 Colleges |
Chhattisgarh | 98 Colleges |
Jharkhand | 92 Colleges |
Assam | 91 Colleges |
Punjab | 91 Colleges |
Colleges in Bhadrak offers bundle of Chemistry specialisations. Out of which, specialisation 1 is the most well-known specialisation offered by Chemistry in Bhadrak. See the table below showing specialisations offered by various colleges.
Specialization Details | Colleges |
Zoology | 5 Colleges |
Botany | 4 Colleges |
Chemistry | 4 Colleges |
Mathematics | 4 Colleges |
Physics | 4 Colleges |
Computer Science | 1 Colleges |
Entrance Exams
Applicants must pass a number of entry exams at the national, state, or university levels. The top entrance exams for various institutions in Bhadrak that provide Chemistry are listed in the following table:
Exam Details | Colleges |
CBSE 12th | 1 Colleges |
Odisha CHSE | 1 Colleges |