Deshbandhu College for Girls
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B.A. (Hons.) in English 

  • B++ NAAC accredited

B.A. (Hons.) in English
Deshbandhu College for Girls 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

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B.A. (Hons.) in English
Deshbandhu College for Girls 

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B.A. (Hons.) in English
Deshbandhu College for Girls 

ParticularsStatistics (2021)
Median SalaryINR 1.50 Lakh
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B.A. (Hons.) in English
Deshbandhu College for Girls 
Entry Requirements

Requirements for 12th gradeUp Arrow Icon
  • 50%
CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
WBCHSEUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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Aditi Das Verified Icon
B.A. (Hons.) in English - Batch of 2022
Offered by Deshbandhu College for Girls
4Placements4Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
Our college provides good infrastructure.
Placements: According to the course, students who scored nearly 80% can get admitted for English honours. English provides the ability to gain suitable jobs in the private sector. I don't have any specific idea about internships from our course as I am a newcomer. But I can have a balanced idea about those students who choose to go further with this subject or course can get an internship from private companies. Different categories are have different roles.
Infrastructure: Facilities and infrastructure provided are suitable for any kind of person to adjust easily. I would like to mention that our classrooms are not like private college, but they are well cleaned and properly maintained for everyone to concentrate on studies easily. Labs are well defined, and Wi-Fi is only for the work purpose because they don't allow Wi-Fi to be used for something else other than studies. The library is good but not as compared to the other libraries. Hostel facilities include food and the in-charge of the hostel properly takes care like a mother for those students who feel alone after leaving their home and stay here. The food served is good. There is no canteen available in our college, but we all hope to get one. Sports and games are quite held to make students feel more energetic.
Faculty: Faculty members are the main reason to opt for this college. They are so qualified that we dream about being like them. They can be termed as pillars of the whole building without them the college might not have reached heights. Their knowledge is excellent, and students cannot determine about their skills. Their teaching quality is so good that they keep on trying to make us understand and never make us feel the topic is so boring. When we feel bored, they make us laugh by cracking jokes and make our day. The course curriculum is relevant, and it depends upon how the students take it. This course will take us to a new life but will have to prepare it on our own.
Other: I chose this course because I like the subject. It's quite tough but interesting. The best thing is that it influences our language and also make us value the importance of the subject. According to the course, if we have proper influence on the language, we can get jobs on several multinational companies and also on the private sector such as TCS. I wish that the burden of the syllabus for fresher should below as they are a newcomer in this field. I don't know about other colleges, but events and fest performed or celebrated but have seen events from our college, and that was enjoyable. If we talk about campus crowd than I should mention that rowdiness is necessary but at a limited space. It makes people feel free and gather together makes a bond with everyone.
Reviewed on 8 Jul 2020Read More
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B.A. (Hons.) in English
Deshbandhu College for Girls 

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B.A. (Hons.) in English
Deshbandhu College for Girls 
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45C, Satish Mukherjee Rd.

Kolkata ( West Bengal)

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