Vaagdevi College of Engineering
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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry) 

  • A NAAC accredited
  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 1998

B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)
Vaagdevi College of Engineering 


3 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

2.58 Lakh

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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)
Vaagdevi College of Engineering 

Fee componentsAmount (3 years)
2.58 Lakh
2.58 Lakh
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These are based on information available on various sources. Latest values may differ.

B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)
Vaagdevi College of Engineering 
Entry Requirements

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  • N/A
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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)
Vaagdevi College of Engineering 
Admission Process

  • Counselling

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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)
Vaagdevi College of Engineering 
Students Ratings & Reviews

Verified Icon2 Verified ReviewsInfo Icon
Placement Review IconPlacements4
Infrastructure Review IconInfrastructure5
Faculty Review IconFaculty & Course5
Crowd Review IconCampus Life4.5
Money Review IconValue for Money4
Kalyan KumarVerified Icon
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry) - Batch of 2020
Offered by Vaagdevi College of Engineering
5Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty5Crowd & Campus Life5Value for Money
I am proud to be a part of this college.
Placements: When compared to other colleges, our college is ahead in placements. Most of our seniors were placed in various organisations. The placement rate of our seniors batch was 65%. On-campus drives were conducted by IBM, TATA, Google, etc. The salary offered was 5 LPA.
Infrastructure: The college is located at the outskirts of Warangal City, with 50 acres of spacious plotted blocks for specific departments. The entire college is surrounded with Wi-Fi of 100 Mbps speed. The college gives importance to practical work compared to theoretical aspects. We have specialised laboratories in each block.
Faculty: The faculty are great compared to other colleges because each of the faculty members are senior lecturers with a PhD. They reach out to the students and help them solve their issues in academics and personal aspects as well. I am satisfied with the faculty of our college.
Other: The college conduct fests, events and tournaments.
Reviewed on 23 Sep 2018Read More
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Krishna Chaitanya ReddyVerified Icon
B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry) - Batch of 2021
Offered by Vaagdevi College of Engineering
3Placements5Infrastructure5Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life3Value for Money
Satisfied with the faculty.
Placements: We have offers at Merchant Navy. Start-up companies provide with plenty opportunities. Department of EEE is the best of all in this college. Top 20 students of each branch were frequently called for every interview. Department of civil engineering has placements in L&T.
Infrastructure: Spacious laboratories for C language are available. There is a special block for mechanical department labs and workshops. Perfectly designed applied physics lab and comfortable drawing labs with drawing tables are available. Weather is pure with medicinal gardens. There are playgrounds. Special English learning labs were provided.
Faculty: Well experienced mathematics professors, retired professional C language assistants faculty are available. Faculty members complete their teaching on time. 20 years of well experienced junior professors are there. For every 15 students, there is a mentor to look after their doubts.
Other: IEEE events, festive vibes, Sanskrithi events, special NSS programs were conducted. English connecting speeches were taken in auditoriums. The college encourages the students to participate in the events.
Reviewed on 20 Jan 2018Read More
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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)
Vaagdevi College of Engineering 

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B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering (Lateral Entry)
Vaagdevi College of Engineering 
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Bollikunta, Khila Warangal (Mandal)
Warangal ( Telangana)


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