JNUEE Exam Pattern 2023: Check Humanities & Social Sciences Pattern Here

Jawaharlal Nehru University Entrance Exam 2023 ( JNUEE )

This exam is conducted for courses given below:
Arpta Singh
Updated on May 21, 2023 00:52 IST

By Arpta Singh

JNUEE/JNU CUET exam pattern 2023 has been released. Candidates can get a detail about the previous year exam patter here. Last year, the JNUEE exam pattern was such that the test was typically for three hours duration. Earlier, the test paper used to comprise subjective or objective questions depending on the course for which aspirants have applied for admission. JNU Entrance Exam was conducted in the online mode and comprised of multiple-choice questions. View JNUEE exam pattern for Humanities and Social Sciences course in the table mentioned below:



JNU Entrance Exam Details

Politics (with specialization in International Studies)- PISM

Subjective questions

The written test is intended to evaluate the knowledge of candidates in Political Science, History and Economics and their general awareness of world affairs. The test is based on essay-type questions

International Relations and Area Studies – IRAM

Subjective questions

The written test is intended to evaluate the knowledge of candidates in Political Science, History and Economics and their general awareness of world affairs. The test is based on essay-type questions

Economics (with specialization in World Economy) - EILM

Objective questions

The written test is intended to evaluate the knowledge of the candidates in microeconomics, macroeconomics, mathematics and statistics, International trade and some related disciplines, such as public economics and economic development. The question paper will contain multiple-choice questions with negative marks for wrong answers (total 100 marks) and grading will be computerized.

COP Mongolian- MONC

Subjective questions

Candidates seeking admission to Certificate of Proficiency (PartTime) Programmes of Study in the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies shall be examined on the basis of a general aptitude test. The questions shall be within the broad spectrum of General Knowledge, General English.

COP-Bhasha Indonesia-  BHAC

Subjective questions


Subjective questions

Certificate of Proficiency in Pashto- PUSC

Subjective questions

DOP- Bhasha Indonesia- BHAD


No Entrance Exam, only Viva-voce.


Objective questions

Candidates shall be examined on the basis of their General Language and Aptitude Test. Questions will be asked from General Knowledge, General English and Elementary Knowledge on the culture and civilisation of the languages/country concerned and aptitude for language skills.

The School has changed the pattern of the BA (Hons) 1st year Entrance Examination. The Entrance Examinations for BA (Hons) 1st Year in Foreign Languages will be grouped according to the following clusters:

Cluster 1: French, German, Spanish, Russian

Cluster 2: Japanese, Korean, Chinese Cluster 3: Persian, Arabic, Pashto

Candidates may opt for three Languages from two clusters only.


Objective questions


Objective questions


Objective questions


Objective questions


Objective questions

French- FRNU

Objective questions


Objective questions


Objective questions


Objective questions


Subjective questions

Question paper for JNU entrance examination will be set in respective foreign language and answers are to be given in that foreign language only. Adequate proficiency is required in spoken and written language concerned. Knowledge of basic and applied grammar besides some competence for simple translation from the language concerned into English and vice versa and familiarity with the culture and civilization of the country concerned are also required.


Subjective questions


Subjective questions


Subjective questions


Subjective questions


Subjective questions

French- FRNS

Subjective questions


Subjective questions


Subjective questions


Subjective questions


Subjective questions

Questions in JNUEE would be asked from the below-mentioned topics:

  1. Grammar
  2. Translation from Persian into English & vice- versa (Newspaper standard)
  3. Outline of Persian Literature
  4. Short essay in Persian


Subjective questions

Questions in JNUEE would be asked from the below-mentioned topics:

  1. Grammar
  2. Translation from Arabic into English & vice-versa (Newspaper standard)
  3. Outline of Arabic Literature
  4. Short essay in Arabic


Subjective questions

Questions in JNUEE would be asked from the below-mentioned topics:

  1. Grammar
  2. Short essay on topic of general interest
  3. Joyo Kanji
  4. Translation of passages from Japanese into English & vice-versa (Newspaper standard)
  5. Japanese Society, Culture and Literature


Subjective questions

Questions in JNUEE would be asked from the below mentioned topics:

  1. Grammar
  2. Short essay on topic of general interest
  3. Hanja
  4. Translation of passages from Korean into English & vice-versa (Newspaper standard)
  5. History Society, Culture and Literature of Korea


Subjective questions

Questions in JNUEE would be asked from the below-mentioned topics:

  1. Grammar
  2. Short essay on topics of general interest
  3. Chinese characters
  4. Translation of passages from Chinese into English & vice-versa (Newspaper standard)
  5. History and Culture of China


Subjective questions

Questions in JNUEE would be asked from the below-mentioned topics:

  1. French Literature
  2. Translation and Interpretation; Ability to translate and interpret general texts from English into French and vice-versa respecting the structure and the idioms of the two languages
  3. French Civilization: familiarity with the general framework of French History, Geography and Institutions of France

German Literature-GRLM

Subjective questions

Candidates seeking admission to the MA programme are expected to possess knowledge of German language equivalent to C II and knowledge of culture and civilization of German speaking countries, history of German literature of BA (Hons) level as well as the ability to linguistically analyse and translate general texts from German into English and vice-versa. There will be one paper and two options for three M.A. programme offered by the Centre viz.

  1. Literature and
  2. MA (Translation, Translation & interpretation)

German Translation-GRTM

Subjective questions


Subjective questions

Candidates will be examined for their knowledge of main literary trends, authors and texts of respective literature and for their ability to do critical appreciation of a given text.


Subjective questions


Subjective questions

Candidates are expected to be proficient in a written and oral expression of the Russian Language, basic knowledge of Soviet and Russian Literature, phonetics and translation.


Subjective questions

The candidates are expected to have a fair degree of proficiency in the written and oral expression of the language. The candidates will also be expected to be familiar with the history of Spanish and Latin American literature, as also of the history, culture and civilization of the Spanish speaking countries.


Subjective questions

Candidates may be examined in: Language aptitude and awareness, current language situation in India, information about Indian and World languages, principles and theories of language structure and its acquisition/learning; language use.

English -ENGM

Subjective questions

Candidates will be examined in English Literature, Literature in India and other Third World Countries, English in India, Literary and Cultural Theories, and Practical Criticism of given literary pieces. The objective of the test is to select those who demonstrate not just in-depth knowledge of literature and culture, but literary sensibility and a capacity for original thinking.

Economics- ECOM

Both Subjective & Objective questions.

Marks obtained in Section – A will be used for shortlisting candidate for whom answers for Section – B will be evaluated.

Final selection will be on the basis of total marks obtained in Section – A and Section – B.

Applicants will be tested for their analytical abilities and awareness of national and international economic issues of importance at present and in the recent past. Candidates are expected to be familiar with the content of a standard Economics course taught at the BA level. Especially for the benefit of applicants without an undergraduate degree in Economics, an enumeration of the areas to be covered is given below:

(a)(i) Micro-economics (Demand Curves, Price and Income Elasticity of Demand, Cost Curves, Equilibrium of Firm under Perfect Competition and Monopoly)

(ii) Macro-Economics (National Income Theory of Income Determination, Monetary Policy, Trade and Balance of Payments)

(b) Descriptive Statistics (Mean, Median and Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation Coefficient), Elementary Probability Theory, Mathematics for Economists (Elementary Algebra, Coordinate Geometry and Elementary Calculus)

(c) Problems of Economic History, Under-development and Growth:

(i) India's Economic Development prior to Independence: India's Planning and Development experience since Independence; Basic indicators of Development.

(ii) International Economics Issues of Contemporary Relevance.

The entrance exam for MA will comprise of two parts: Part A will have multiple choice questions and Part B will have short and long problems/questions. Marks obtained in Part A will be used for shortlisting candidates for whom answers for Part B will be evaluated. Final selection will be on the basis of total marks obtained in Part A and Part B.

Modern History- MODM

Subjective questions

Candidates seeking admission to the MA programme in the Centre for Historical Studies will be required to have a broad knowledge of history either directly on the basis of courses taken at under-graduate level in History or indirectly through the historical understanding of discipline in the Social Sciences or Humanities. Questions in the Entrance Examination will relate to the above and candidates will have choice of discipline and chronology.

The CHS proposed to change the pattern of its MA entrance examination from 2011. The question paper worth a total of 100 marks will be divided into three sections. Students will be required to answer questions from all sections. Section 1 will carry 30 marks. It will have one comprehension passage in English and candidates will be required to answer six questions based on the given passage. Section 2 will carry 20 marks. It will have 5 questions covering broad areas of the social sciences and other topical issues of current concern. Candidates will be required to answer 1 question from this section. Section 3 will carry 50 marks. It will have 12 questions covering specific periods/areas of history and candidates will be required to attempt 2 questions from this section.

Medieval History- MEDM

Subjective questions

Ancient History- ANCM

Subjective questions

Political Science- POLM

Subjective questions

Candidates are expected to be familiar with the content of a standard B.A. course in Political Science. Applications will be tested from areas given below:

  1. Western Political Thought
  2. Indian Government and Politics
  3. Political Thought in Modern India
  4. International Relations
  5. Public Policies in India
  6. Comparative Government and Politics

Geography- GEOM

Both Subjective and Objective Questions

The MA admission test will carry a total of 100 marks with the unit wise marks assigned and coverage of topics as indicated below.

Unit I will have only multiple choice questions to be answered on OMR sheet.

Unit I (60 marks)

Multiple Choice Questions on:

1. Geomorphology, climatology, oceanography and biogeography.

2. Human geography, economic geography, political geography, Population geography, human ecology and human settlements.

3. Regional geography of India- physiographic divisions, patterns and levels of development of Both agriculture and industries, growth of population, urbanization, and socio-cultural diversity.

4. Geographical information System, Remote Sensing, Cartography, Quantitative Techniques/Statistics.

Unit II (20 marks)

Short Questions on:

Physical, human, regional geography and geography of India and Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS).

Unit III (10 marks)

Question/questions on: Cartography – scale and map projections, topographical maps of India, Methods of data representation

Unit IV (10 marks)

Question/questions on: Statistical Methods – frequency distribution, measures of central tendency and dispersion, Correlation.

Sociology- SOCM

Subjective questions

Questions will be asked from topics like:

  1. The Classical Heritage: Weber, Marx, Durkheim, Pareto
  2. Concepts and theories in Sociology
  3. Methods of Sociological enquiry
  4. Processes of social change and development with special reference to India.

Philosophy- SPHM

Subjective questions

The applicants for the MA programme will be examined in the themes and issues studied in a standard B.A. Philosophy course.

The MA admission test will carry a total of 100 marks and students will be tested from areas of history of philosophy, themes and issues in metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, aesthetics and, social and political philosophy. The purpose of the test is to select such candidates who demonstrate philosophical aptitude, analytical skills and ability for original thinking.

Development and Labour Studies- DLSM

Subjective questions

The applicants for the MA programme will be examined in the light of their knowledge on themes and issues studied in a standard social science bachelor programme.

The purpose of entrance exam is to test the candidates’ general awareness on issues related to development and labour studies, their capacity to comprehend and reflect on academic articles, and their ability in analytical reasoning on the contemporary issues of informal sector.

The MA admission test will carry a total of 100 marks and students will be tested in the broad thematic areas of major social science disciplines: political economy, theories and contemporary history of development, development economics, sociological and political theories. The purpose of the test is to select candidates who demonstrate aptitude for analytical skills and ability for original thinking.

Pali- PALC

Objective questions

Candidates seeking admission to Certificate of Proficiency in Pali shall be examined on the basis of general aptitude test. The questions shall be objective type and shall be within the broad spectrum of General Knowledge and English Language.

Sanskrit Computational Linguistics - SCLC

Objective questions

Candidates seeking admission to Certificate of Proficiency in Sanskrit Computational Linguistics shall be examined on the basis of general aptitude test. The questions shall be objective type and shall be within the broad spectrum of General Knowledge and English Language.

Sanskrit- SANM


Candidates will be asked short answer type questions. The paper would be of 100 marks and answers will have to be written in Sanskrit or in English or in any other scheduled Indian Language. There will not be multiple choice questions. There will be no negative marking. Test may cover the following areas: Sanskrit language and literature, Indian Philosophical Systems, Sanskrit Poetics and Aesthetics, Sanskrit and Modern Indian Languages, Sanskrit Linguistics including Computational Linguistics, Indian Intellectual and Cultural Traditions in Sociology, Polity and Economy, Architecture, Music, Environmental Studies, Grammar, Logic, Astronomy and Mathematics, Science and Technology, Argumentation and Interpretation, and Role and Place of Sanskrit in Indo European Studies.

Table of content
  • JNUEE Exam Patterns and Marking Scheme FAQs

JNUEE Exam Patterns and Marking Scheme FAQs

Q. Will the JNUEE for different courses be conducted on different days?

A. Yes. Each course offered at JNU will have a set date and time for the programme and course. The details will be mentioned on the JNUEE admit card.

Q. What will the duration of JNUEE be?

A. The JNU Entrance Exam duration is of 3 Hours.

Q. Will the JNU entrance exam be in long answer question?

A. No. The JNUEE format will be asked in Multiplied Choice Questions (MCQs).

Q. Will there be negative marking in JNUEE exam?

A. There will be no negative marking in JNUEE exam.

Q. How many marks will be given for correct answer?

A. One mark will be awarded per correct answer.

Q. Can I use a calculator during the exam?

A. No. The candidate is not allowed to use a calculator during the entrance exam as it will be counted as unfair means and cheating. The candidate will be provided with a rough sheets to do their calculations.

Q. If I finish my exam early, can I leave the exam hall?

A. No. The candidate will have to wait till the entrance exam is successfully conducted.

Q. What medium will the entrance exam be in?

A. The question paper will be in English and Hindi medium, except for Language papers.

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