MCA Course Syllabus 2025: Subjects, Semester-wise Syllabus PDF, Top Colleges, Books

Updated on Feb 5, 2025 07:36 IST
Akansha Bisht

Akansha BishtContent Writer

MCA or Master of Computer Applications is a postgraduate degree course. It is a two-year long course taken by students after completing their graduation in a related discipline such as BCA or Bachelor of Computer Applications. The course includes IT-related subjects such as application development, mathematics, data mining, and programming languages. The MCA course offers practical training to students so they are skilled at creating programmes with real-world applications. Students who wish to join the IT workforce without studying engineering can opt for an MCA program.

Syllabus – Important Facts For MCA

  • Time duration

MCA is a two-year long program. The two years of the MCA program are divided into four semesters.

  • Duration changed from three years to two years

Earlier MCA was a three-year program but in 2020, the All India Board of Computer Science, Engineering/Tech and Applications decided to update the program and reduce the duration to two years.

  • Updated syllabus on the basis of CBCS

The revised curriculum was created in accordance with the Choice-Based Credit System or CBCS to improve grading methods. The MCA program has a total of 102 credits. The first three semesters hold 26 credits each, while the last semester holds 24 credits.

  • Examination Pattern

The examination pattern is a combination of internal assessments and external assessments. The internal assessments hold about 30 per cent of the total marks and external assessments are carried for the remaining 70 per cent of marks for the final assessment.

  • MCA from NIT versus Other Colleges

The MCA program at NITs aims at developing job-ready candidates and creating expertise in the field to support self-employment. The syllabus includes additional subjects to foster business acumen and management skills whilst upgrading their technical knowledge. This includes subjects such as Accounting and Financial Management, Resource Management Techniques, Organisational Behaviour, and new emerging programming languages such as ‘R’.

List of Subjects in MCA

The Masters of Computer Applications program deals with a combination of computer science and information technology subjects. The MCA program also complements subjects such as Mathematics, and elective subjects such as cloud computing and wireless networks.

Here is a list of core and elective subjects in an MCA program:

Typical Core Subjects for MCA

Subject title

Subject Details 

Mathematical Foundations of

Computer Science

Statement (Proposition), Logical Connectives, Conditional, Bi-conditional, Converse, Inverse, Contrapositive, Exclusive

OR, NAND, NOR, Tautology, Contradiction, Satisfiable, Duality Law, Algebra of propositions, Mathematical Induction; Set Theory, Combinatorics and Discrete Probability

Database Management System

Database System Applications, View of data, Advantages, Database languages, users and Administrator, Architecture, SQL, Data Definition,

Basic operations, Basic structure of SQL queries, Set operations, Aggregate Functions, Null values

Object Oriented Programming

Elements of Object Oriented Programming: Object, Encapsulation & data abstraction, Classes, Inheritance and Polymorphism. Programming Basics, Type conversion, Loops and Decision, Structures,

Enumerated Data Types, Simple functions

Operating Systems

Simple, multiprogrammed batch systems, distributed systems, time-sharing & real time systems, Algorithms thrashing Deadlocks, Concurrent Process

Software Engineering

Software Product, Development approaches and team structures, Process models and SRS: Various Process models, Requirements Functional and

non-Functional, Software Document, Requirement Engineering Process, Feasibility Studies, Software Prototyping, Functional models, Structured

Analysis, Design Concepts and Principles

Java Programming

Java Development Kit, Java RunTime Environment, Java Virtual Machine, Bytecode. Java data types, keywords, operators, Type conversion, Arrays, Ragged arrays, ArrayLists

Data Structures and Algorithms

Basic Concepts: Pseudocode, The Abstract Data Type, Model for an Abstract Data Type, ADT Implementation, Algorithm Efficiency, Time and Space Complexities, Asymptotic Notations, Recursion, Queues, Trees, Graphs

Web Technologies

Introduction to HTML, Structure of HTML Document, Semantics of HTML Elements and Attributes, HTML Tables and Forms, Introduction to CSS, Types of Styles, Selectors, Style Cascade, The Box Model, Text Styling, PHP Controls, PHP Functions, PHP Arrays.

Data Analytics

Data science, steps in data analysis projects,  need for analytics, Data- sources of data, data warehouses, data sets, data types, privacy & confidentiality,  transformation, samples vs. population,dimensionality reduction, Data Analysis and Visualisation

Machine Learning

Introduction, Applications, Probability, Parametric Classification, Regression, Tuning Model Complexity, Clustering, regression

Computer Networks

need for layered architecture and comparison between ISO/OSI, TCP/IP layered models. Significance of

Data Link layer and protocols. Network layer functionalities, classless IP addressing, classful, address allocation and role of forwarding module in

forwarding the packet using the routing table.

Typical Elective Subjects for MCA

Subject Title

Subject Details 


Inductive learning, Learning Concepts and rules from Examples, Learning by analogy, Learning from observation and discovery, Learning by experimentation, Learning by training Neural Networks; Genetic Based Machine Learning (GBML) Learning Classifier Systems (LCS), Genetic Programming.; Analytical learning

Advanced Data Structure and Algorithms

Review of basic data structures, Dynamic data structures, Approximation

Algorithms,  Analysis of the expected time complexity of the algorithms. Probabilistic Algorithms & Randomised


Advanced Computer Architecture

Register Transfer and Micro operations:. Register Transfer language, Register transfer, Bus and Memory Transfer, Arithmetic Micro operations, Logic Micro operations, Shift Micro operations and Arithmetic logic shift units, computer arithmetic

Web Based Programming

Word Wide Web – introduction, Web servers, Client-Server model, Browser

architecture, Browser Interface,

optional clients, Search engines, optimization of search engines, caching in web browser, CGI

interface; Scripting languages – JSP, ASP; Hypertext – HTML, DHTML, HTTP; Web Programming- Java

language, Java Beans, Java Swings, Java utilities, Servlets, Applets, RMI.

Cloud Computing and IoT

Cloud Computing Fundamentals, Cloud services: Benefits and challenges of cloud

Computing, Types of cloud, Key

Characteristics of Cloud Models, Grid Computing, Cluster Computing, Grid Computing v/s Cloud Computing


Compiler Design

Overview of a Compiler, Lexical Analyzer, Syntax Analysis: PDA, NPDA, Construction of Top-down and Bottom-up parsers from CFG, Recursive descent parser, Operator precedence parser, LR parsers, Semantic Analysis, code optimisation

Wireless Networks

Introduction to Wireless Networks, Wireless Transmission, Modulation techniques - analog modulation and digital modulation, Spread Spectrum technology, Wireless Medium Access Control, Mobility and Mobile IP, TCP Over wireless

Networks, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks.

Parallel and Distributed Systems

Parallel systems, hardware, SIMD, MISD, MIMD, Multiprocessor systems, Parallel algorithms, Shared memory, message passing, and data parallel programming, Shared memory multiprocessors, Synchronisation, Distributed object-based systems, Distributed file systems.

Detailed Syllabus For MCA

The syllabus for the MCA program includes core and elective subjects. The students can choose from the available elective subjects as per their preference or specialisation. The detailed syllabus for MCA is given below:



Subject title

Subject Details 























































Programming in C









Computer Fundamentals






Data Structures






Discrete Mathematics







Computer Architecture















Numerical Methods

















Program design and analysis using the C programming language, basic data types and their operators, control structures, arrays,

string, structs and unions, dynamic memory allocation, pointers and pointer arithmetic,

and files.


Logic gates, Boolean algebra, K-map, Map simplification, Combinational circuit Design, Sequential Circuit Design, Logic Design, Processor Control Logic Design, Digital Integrated circuits


Classification of Data Structures,  Tree and tree operations,  Shortest path algorithm, Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency, Recursion


Sets, Functions, Relations, Logic operators, normal forms, truth tables, Propositional and predicate

calculus, Euclidean algorithms, Boolean Algebra, Fibonacci numbers


Data representation – two’s complement, number system, Arithmetic operations using 2’s and 1’s

complements, floating-point representation and arithmetic operations; Input output organisation –I/O verses memory

bus, Isolated versus memory mapped I/O, Priority interrupts, DMA, I/O processors; Memory Organisation–

RAM, ROM, Associative memory, Cache memory


Data representation – Fixed-point numbers, Finite data representation;Floating-point numbers,

Propagation of error, Root finding’ Newton’s methods,


numerical integration, Solution of systems of linear equations – matrix equation, method of triangular

matrics, Gaussian elimination with pivoting, Jacobson and Gauss Seidel; Ordinary Differential equations –

Euler method, Multi-step method, Runga-Kutta methods, System of differential equations.






























































Database Management Systems










Computer Networks










Design and Analysis of Algorithms







Object Oriented Programming











Artificial Intelligence









Operating Systems

Database Architecture, Database Analysis, Database Design,

Normalisation, Lossless Join Decomposition and Relational Algebra, Tuple and Domain Relational

Calculus, Concurrency Control and Recovery

Techniques, Advances in Database Systems and Technologies


Overview of Computer Network, Data Communication, , Nyquist theorem, Shannon’s formula, modulations, encoding schemes, ALOHA systems, Local Area Networks, Token Ring, Token Bus, FDDI, Routing, congestion

control, Application Protocols – FTP, Email.


Some efficient algorithms; Algorithm analysis: worst case and average case analysis, Recurrences and

asymptotics; Algorithm design, Efficient data structures, amortised analysis, NP completeness


The Key Attributes of Object-Oriented Programming, The Java Class Libraries, The Java Development Kit.

Java’s Primitive Types, The Scope and Lifetime of Variables, Literals, Shorthand Assignments, operators,

Type conversion in Assignments, Using Cast. Control Statements, Recursion, Inheritance Basics, Member Access and Inheritance


Overview of AI, Problem solving, various search strategies,

Introduction to logic programming, Knowledge representation, Conceptual dependency, Uncertain knowledge and reasoning, Hill Climbing, Simulated

Annealing, Best First Search.


Overview, Operating System Structures, Computer System Structures, Process and Process Scheduling,

CPU scheduling, Process Synchronisation, Paging, Segmentation, Virtual Memory, File System Allocation methods, Secondary Storage Scheduling and

Management, Protection, Security
































































Software Engineering















Theoretical Computer Science




















Computer Graphics and Multimedia














Probability and Statistics









Machine Learning

Introduction, Software Process Models, Software Product and Process, Engineering,


Requirements Analysis –Data Flow Diagram, Requirement Specification, Requirement Validation;

Design- Concepts, Cohesion, Coupling, User Interface Design, Mapping Analysis to Design, Structure

Charts, CASE Tools, Software Maintenance and



Mathematical reasoning; logic; methods of proof; sets, relations, function, Kleen’s theorem, Moore and

Mealy models; Turing machine; Pushdown automata; Recursive and recursively enumerable sets models,

recursive functions.


Basic Microprocessor architecture, memory systems for microprocessor, bus structure and memory maps,

hardware and software interrupts, I/O systems Introduction to Intel family of microprocessor, 8085/8086

microprocessor - architecture, Instruction set, programming.


Graphics devices – random scan and Raster-scan; Bresenahm’s circle drawing algorithm, generation of ellipses, 2-D graphics: polar coordinates, parametric

functions, vectors, matrices operations; 3-D graphics:

transformation- right handed coordinate system with vertical y-axis, matrices for translation, scaling

rotation around axis



Probability – Conditional probability, Axioms, Bayes Theorem, Discrete RV – Binomial, random variables,

geometric Poisson,  Continuous RV, Hypothesis testing, Curve fitting, Methods of least Squares, Curvilinear

Multiple regression.


An overview of Machine learning; Inductive learning, ID3, C4.5; Learning Concepts and rules from

Examples; Learning by analogy; Learning from observation and discovery; Learning by experimentation.





Students have to complete a project by designing a computer application using the knowledge gained during the previous three semesters.

Specialisations Offered In MCA

An MCA degree forms the foundation for working in the IT sector. Students can opt for a specialisation along with their regular MCA program. Studying a specialisation helps to provide detailed knowledge about a particular sector that interests the student. Some of the specialisations offered in MCA are as follows:



Specialisation Subjects

Specialisation Details

Data Mining

Data Processing

Mining Frequent Patterns And Advanced Pattern Mining

Classification Techniques

Clustering Techniques

Outlier Detection and Application

Students learn to process and analyse data, create models and algorithms and use data mining techniques.

Internet of Things

IoT Introduction

IoT Programming

IoT Applications

Network of Wireless Sensor Nodes

MAC, Routing, and Transport Control in WSN

This includes IoT physical design, communication models and IoT enabled technologies to create applications.

Artificial Intelligence

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

Local Search Algorithms

Knowledge Representation

Game Playing

Natural Language Processing

Review and analysis of complex systems by developing an understanding of the issues involved in defining and simulating perception, comparing and contrasting different AI techniques.

Wireless And Mobile Networks

Wireless Telecommunications Systems and Networks

Common Cellular System Components

Wireless Network Architecture and Operation

GSM and TDMA Technology

CDMA Technology, CDPD and Edge Data Networks

Wireless LAN/ PAN

Formation of basic wireless systems, their functioning, network architecture, data communication, and the functioning of mobile hardware.

Data Science

Data, Relations and preprocessing

Correlation and Regression

Association Rule Mining and Classification

Clustering and Time Series Analysis

Visualisation and Applications

Developing analytical skills to carry out research, improve businesses, work with large amounts of data, find relevant information and market trends from the data.

Digital Marketing

Going Digital - The Evolution Of Marketing

The Search For Success

Search Engine Optimization

Email Marketing And Social Media Marketing

Web Analytics

Develop a structured digital marketing plan and select strategic choices for increasing client acquisition, conversion, and retention. To make digital technology more accessible as a tool and possible requirement for competitive advantage.

Books and Authors Related to MCA

The books for MCA include coursebooks as specified by the college and reference books to widen the student’s understanding of crucial subjects. These include books from foreign publications, including Pearson and TMH. Here is a list of books to refer to for the MCA course:


Book Title


Computational Mathematics

Discrete Mathematics with Applications

Fundamental Approach to Discrete Mathematics

Thomas Koshy


D.P. Acharjya, Sreekumar

Database Management System

Database System Concepts



Database Management System

Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan

Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke

Object Oriented Programming

The Complete Reference C++


Object Oriented Programming in C++

Herbert Schildt


Robert Lafore

Operating Systems

Operating Systems Concepts


An Introduction to Operating Systems

A Silberschartz, Peter B. Galvin and Greg Gagne

H. M. Deitel

Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Software Engineering Concepts

Software Project Management in Practice

Ian Sommerville

Richard Fairley

Pankaj Jalote

Java Programming

Java The Complete Reference

Core Java: Volume I - Fundamentals

Herbert Schildt

Cay S. Horstmann

Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures – A Pseudocode Approach with C

Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Richard F. Gilberg and Behrouz A. Forouzan

S. Sridhar

Web Technologies

Fundamentals of Web Development

PHP and MySQL Web Development

Randy Connolly, Ricardo Hoar

Luke Welling, Laura Thomson

Data Analytics

Making Sense of Data I: A Practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining

Data Mining for Business Intelligence

Glenn J. Myatt, Wayne P. Johnson


Galit Shmueli, Nitin R. Patel, and Peter C. Bruce

Machine Learning

Introduction to Machine Learning

Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective

Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Ethem Alpaydin


Kevin P. Murphy


Christopher M. Bishop

Computer Networks

TCP/IP Protocol Suite

Computer Networks

Behrouz A. Forouzan

Tannenbaum, A.S.

Internet of Things

Internet of Things – A hands-on approach

Architecting the Internet of Things

Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti

Dieter Uckelmann, Mark Harrison, Michahelles, Florian

Entrance Exams for MCA

Eminent colleges including the NITs carry out admissions for MCA programs through NIMCET, the entrance examination. Some other colleges conduct entrance exams for MCA like UPSEE, TANCET, and VIT MEE. Most regular colleges provide admission to students on the basis of their marks in 10th and 12th standard, followed by the marks obtained in graduation.


The NIMCET test for admission to the MCA program in NITs is a two and a half hour long multiple choice answer type exam. Each question has four options for the candidate to choose from. Each question carries four marks. There is also a negative marking of one mark for each wrong answer. The test includes 50 questions from Mathematics, 40 questions from Analytical Ability and Logical Reasoning, 10 questions from Computer Awareness, and 20 questions from General English. The students have to mark their answers on an OMR sheet. Admission to the participating NITs is through the rank obtained in the NIMCET exam.


The TANCET exam is conducted for admission to MCA programs in Anna University of Tamil Nadu. The test includes questions from Quantitative Aptitude, Analytical and Logical Reasoning, and Computer Awareness. There are 100 questions in the test where one mark is awarded for every right answer and ? mark is cut for every wrong answer.


VITMEE is the entrance examination for master’s programs at VIT Vellore. There are a total of 100 questions for 100 marks in the exam. There is no negative marking in VITMEE. The test includes questions from English, Mathematics, and Basics of Computer Applications. Candidates should have a minimum of 60 percent marks in graduation to apply for the VITMEE examination.

Syllabus for Distance Program in MCA

While regular MCA is typically a two-year program, distance MCA is usually a three-year course and students can complete it in six years. The syllabus for distance MCA is the same as that of regular MCA. Students can opt for specialisations in distance MCA to study their preferred subjects or to improve their job profile. The distance MCA offers flexibility in terms of class time, availability of course material, and online examinations. The eligibility requirements for admission to distance MCA programs are flexible as compared to a regular course.

Top Colleges for MCA

The MCA program is a top preference for prospective IT professionals. Several colleges across India offer the MCA program as a leading alternative to and courses. Prominent institutions including NITs offer MCA programs to fulfil the increasing demand for skilled IT professionals. Here is a list of the top colleges for MCA as per government rankings, placements, and recent surveys:


Syllabus PDFs

NIT Trichy

Download Here

Jawaharlal Nehru University

To be Uploaded Soon

University of Hyderabad

To be Uploaded Soon

Christ University, Bangalore

To be Uploaded Soon

Delhi University

To be Uploaded Soon

Banaras Hindu University

Download Here

VIT Vellore

Download Here

Fergusson College

To be Uploaded Soon

NIT Jamshedpur

Download Here

NIT Warangal

To be Uploaded Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the MCA program?

A. MCA or Master of Computer Applications is a postgraduate degree for computer and IT-related fields. Students pursue the MCA program after BCA or any related field.

Q. What is the duration of an MCA program?

A. The MCA program is a two-year long masters program approved by the UGC. Earlier, the duration of the course was three years.

Q. What are the subjects included in an MCA program?

A. In an MCA program, students learn about computer applications related subjects such as C, C++, Java, Object Oriented Programming, Machine Learning, Software Engineering, Database Management Systems, and Data Structures and Algorithms.

Q. What are the eligibility requirements for the MCA program?

A. Most colleges require a minimum of 55 to 60 percent marks in graduation for admission to MCA program. Some colleges also require Mathematics as a compulsory subject for admission to MCA program.

Q. What is the salary of MCA graduates?

A. As MCA is a masters program, the starting salary for MCA graduates is better than those seeking placement after a bachelor’s course. Typically, the average salary of MCA graduates is INR 8.5 Lakhs.

Q. What is the fee of an MCA program?

A. The fee for an MCA program depends on the college opted by the student. For government colleges, the fee ranges between INR 25,000 to INR 50,000 per annum. For private institutes, the fee range is between INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,00,000 per annum.

Q. How is MCA different from Engineering?

A. An MCA degree focuses on IT related technologies and computer applications while an engineering program focuses on the hardware and software aspects of computer and IT.

Q. Are MCA graduates considered equal to Engineering graduates?

A. MCA graduates receive the same placement opportunities as B.Tech graduates.

Q. What are the entrance examinations for MCA?

A. Some prominent institutions conduct entrance examinations for MCA programs. These include NIMCET, TANCET, and VITMEE.

Q. Can I enrol in MCA programs without going for an entrance examination?

A. Yes, students can opt for direct admission to MCA programs for some private institutes. There are high ranking colleges that have direct intake for MCA programs.

Q. What books should I read for the MCA course?

A. Some important books for MCA include Problem Solving Using C, Discrete Mathematics Structure, Fundamentals of Computer Organisations, Introduction to Unix, Introduction to Web Technologies, Programming Using C#, and Object Oriented Programming Using C++.

Popular MCA (Master of Computer Applications) Specializations

Following are the most popular MCA (Master of Computer Applications) Specializations . You can explore the top Colleges offering these Specializations by clicking the links below.

Popular Specializations

Popular MCA (Master of Computer Applications) Colleges in India

Following are the most popular MCA (Master of Computer Applications) Colleges in India. Learn more about these MCA (Master of Computer Applications) colleges (Courses, Reviews, Answers & more) by downloading the Brochure.
5.4 L - 11.2 L

MCA Applications open. Apply Now

1.84 L - 3.85 L
1 Course
4.38 L
6.14 LPA
1 Course
4.8 L
5.5 LPA

MCA Applications open. Apply Now

2.74 L - 8.36 L
4 Courses
2.5 L - 5.2 L
5.2 LPA

MCA Applications open. Apply Now

Popular Private MCA (Master of Computer Applications) Colleges in India

2.74 L - 8.36 L
3.44 L - 3.56 L

MCA Applications open. Apply Now

3.1 L

MCA Applications open. Apply Now

3.2 L

MCA Applications open. Apply Now

1 Course
6.64 L

MCA Applications open. Apply Now

3.5 L - 8 L

Student Forum

chatAnything you would want to ask experts?
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Answered 22 hours ago

MAH MCA CET syllabus is divided into four sections, Mathematics and Statistics, Logical and Abstarct Reasoning, English Comprehension and Verbal Ability and Computer Concepts. MAH MCA CET Syllabus 2025 is designed by the Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra.


Tanisha Mahajan

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 2 days ago

If you've done your BSc Math well, then pursuing B.Tech CSE will be highly beneficial, and the chances of having a backlog in Math will be very low. Ultimately, it depends on you and what you want to achieve.


Ritesh Kumar Nishad

Beginner-Level 1

Answered 2 days ago

Yes, pursuing an MCA course from Chetan Business School Institute of Management and Research is a good choice if considering the placement opportunities. The key highlights of Chetan Business School Institute of Management and Research placements for the Class of 2024 are tabulated below:


Placement Statistics (2024)

the highest package


Average package


Top  recruiters

DMart, ITC, TCS, Decathlon, Reliance Digital

Shoaib Mehdi

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Aspirants need to pass UG degree with Mathematics at Class 12 or graduation level to apply for Amrita Ahead Online MCA programme. Students in their final year can apply with the last completed semester results. Candidates must hold the documents proving their eligibility for verification at the time

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Nishtha Shukla

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Amrita Ahead Online admission to MCA programme is based on merit of the candidates in the last qualifying exam. Aspirants need to pass UG degree with Mathematics at Class 12 or graduation level to apply for MCA programme. Once selected, candidates need to pay the course fee to confirm their seat in

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Nishtha Shukla

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) Online

Sikkim Manipal University (SMU) offers UG, PG, and Diploma programs in an online mode through its SMU Online platform.

Key Features:

  • UG & PG Programs: MBA, MCA, BBA, BCA, etc.
  • UGC-Entitled: Approved by UGC-DEB for online education.
  • Flexible Learning: Online classes,

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Shiv Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

The main requirements for MCA admission into Chandigarh University (CU) include:

Candidates must qualify with a minimum 50 percent aggregate from an accepted university for their BCA/B.Sc. IT/B.Sc. CS or comparable degree.
The admission requirement for MCA at Chandigarh University (CU) demands complet

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Shiv Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

To obtain admission to the MCA programme at JNTU Kakinada, students need to have a bachelor's degree with an aggregate percentage of at least 50%. They must qualify for the entrance exam conducted by APICET while seeking admissions to MCA. Once students receive a valid APICET score, they have to att

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abhishek gaurav

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

As per the latest report, the participating recruiters placed 13 students from the MCA course, in the academic year 2023-2024. The same is tabulated below:


Placement Statistics (2023)

Placement Statistics (2024)

Total students placed



Shoaib Mehdi

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

The highest package offered to MCA students during the 2024 placement drive at Chaitanya University stood at INR 4 LPA. The highest package offered between 2023 and 2024 are tabulated below:


Placement Statistics (2023)

Placement Statistics (2024)

the highest package



Shoaib Mehdi

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

MCA is one of the most popular courses of Chaitanya University. When it comes to the placements, the institute offers decent placements annually. The key highlights of Chaitanya University placements for the Class of 2024 are tabulated below:


Placement Statistics (2024)

the highest package


Minimum package


Total students placed


Shoaib Mehdi

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Both the University of Rajasthan and the Poddar Group of Institution are good options to pursue MCA. However, in terms of affordability, UNIRAJ is more affordable since the tuition fees to pursue MCA at the University of Rajasthan is INR 96,80 to INR 1.21 lakh, and the tuition fee to pursue MCA at t

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

To know which college to choose, students can compare the options based on significant factors such as fees. To help,  presented below is a comparison between the MCA courses at the University of Rajasthan and Poddar Group of Institution, based on fees:


Course Fee

University of Rajasthan

INR 96,80 to INR 1.21 lakh

Poddar Group of Institution

INR 18.06 lakh

Note: The abovementioned information is as per

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

To know which is a better choice, students must weigh both options based on important factors such as fees and median package. As per official sources, the fees to pursue MCA at the University of Rajasthan range from INR 96,80 to INR 1.21 lakh, and the fees to pursue MCA at Suresh Gyan Vihar Univer

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

The Rajasthan University generally opens the admission portal for the MCA admission process in March of the current academic year. Thus, the university is expected to commence the MCA admissions in March 2025. Once the portal is open, candidates seeking admission must apply for the preferred course.

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

Yes, as per the University of Rajasthan's official brochure, the university has defined the seat reservation policy to be followed for alloctaion of M.Tech seats. As per the brochure, the university reserves seats for several underserved categories to promote fair opportunity in admissions. The belo

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

To seek admission in a University of Rajasthan MCA programme, a candidate must first perform an eligibility check. Those who satisfy the eligibility requirements must register for the URATPG exam conducted by the university itself. Next, they must appear for the exam at the scheduled date.

Once the U

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

The University of Rajasthan MCA fee structure is a constitution of various fee elements such as tuition fees, hostel fees, exam fees, security deposits, etc. Upon adding all, the total fees to pursue this programme range from INR 1.31 Lacs to INR 1.63 lakh. Tabulated below is the breakdown of this f

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

Yes, students who complete their MCA degrees from the University of Rajasthan can seek out job opportunities in the government sector of India. Those who are willing to work in a Public Sector Undertaking can take various government exams, such as UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) Exams, Staff

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

The University of Rajasthan offers a comprehensive MCA programme. Upon completing this course, students have a broad career scope. Fresh MCA graduates can pursue jobs with titles such as AI Specialist, Software Developer, Quality Analyst, and more. The below table showcases various job profiles for

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

Yes, as per Univeristy of Rajasthan MCA reservation policy, admissions to the programme are subject to the rules of reservation. As per the policy, a total of 28% of seats are reserved for the SC/ST candidates. Out of this 28%, 16 percent of seats are reserved for candidates belonging to the Schedu

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

As per the University of Rajasthan's NIRF report 2023, a total of 242 students were placed out during the PG two-year placements held in the year 2022.Moreover, the median package offered to PG-two-year students stood at INR 6.35 LPA. To learn more, check out the below-mentioned comparison of 20221

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

As per official sources, the University of Rajasthan offers a total of 120 seats for admission to the MCA programme. This implies that a total of 120 students can take admission in the MCA course in one academic year. Some of the seats are offered by the affiliated colleges. Students must note that

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

In order to get a UNIRAJ MCA seat, all candidates are required to take the URATPG exam. It is an in house entrance test conducted by the university. Once the exam results are announced, the university begins the seat allocation process.

The MCA seats are allocated based on performance in the entrance

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 days ago

Hello Rakshita! I think that following up the BCA programme with an MCA is the right decision. Here are some reasons why I think so.

·         Doing an MCA enhances your knowledge & skills making it easier for you to get better job options with higher salaries.

·         Having an MCA makes you a more

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Aastha Garg

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 3 days ago

The PIMR, Gwalior ranking for 2024 has yet to be released. However, the institute is approved by NIRF, which recognises its commitment to delivering quality education. Additionally, India Today has ranked the institute in the 'Computer Application' category for its BCA programme. Interested candidat

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Kanishk Katariya

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 4 days ago

The TANCET MCA 2024 question paper is available on Apart from this, other information related to TANCET is also available on this website. Some more information related to TANCET mca: The answer key of TANCET MCA 2024 is available on the official website of Anna University, tancet.annau

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Abhishek singh

Contributor-Level 9

Answered 5 days ago

Eligibility requirements for the University of Rajasthan's Master of Computer Applications (MCA) programme are made to make sure applicants have the training and credentials needed to be successful. Candidates must have earned at least 50% (45% for candidates from the reserved category) of a bachelo

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Nidhi Kumari

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 days ago

UNIRAJ offers admission to the MCA programme based on students performance in the URAT PG exam. The exam is generally conducted in the month of March. Once the results are collated, the university releases the first merit list.

In previous years, the first merit list has generally been released in th

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 days ago

Students seeking admission to the Rajasthan University MCA programme must apply for the URATPG entrance test. The application fees for the exam vary depending on the category of the students. Check below to know the category-wise application fees for the exam:


URATPG Application Fees


INR 1,400


INR 1,200

Note: The above-mentioned fee is as per

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

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