K.L.N. College of Engineering
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 

  • Private Institute
  • Estd. 1994

B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 


4 years

Course Level

UG Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

2.00 Lakh

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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 

Fee componentsAmount (4 years)
2.00 Lakh
2.00 Lakh
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 

ParticularsStatistics (2023)
Median SalaryINR 3.36 Lakh
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 
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  • 45%
CBSE 12thUp Arrow Icon
  • N/A
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  • N/A
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 

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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 
Students Ratings & Reviews

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V MANIKANDAN Verified Icon
B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - Batch of 2025
Offered by K.L.N. College of Engineering
4Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Our college is good in terms of education and placements.
Placements: The highest salary package offered is 7 LPA. The average salary package offered ranges between 4 LPA - 4.5 LPA. Many students got internships from our college in their final year.
Infrastructure: Every classroom is well-equipped with a projector. The mess facility is quite clean and well-maintained.
Faculty: Our teachers are very helpful. Most of them have more than 15 years of teaching experience. It is an autonomous college. Our course curriculum is very related to practical application. Semester exams are difficult. The pass percentage is 70%.
Other: Our college has a green environment and is surrounded by trees. I opted for this course because it is a new course.
Reviewed on 24 Dec 2022Read More
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Mohanraj Verified Icon
B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - Batch of 2025
Offered by K.L.N. College of Engineering
4Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Our college is good in Madurai District and provides good placements.
Placements: Almost 70% of students got placed in our college. Top recruiting companies are TCS and Infosys.
Infrastructure: Every classroom is well-equipped with a projector. Each department has its Wi-Fi and a library. The food served in the mess is good compared to other messes.
Faculty: Our teachers teach us innovatively. Their teaching methods are quite useful and new. The course curriculum is relevant to practical application. It is an autonomous college, so semester exams are standard. We can score good marks by studying 2 weeks before exams.
Other: I opted for this course because it is a new course.
Reviewed on 24 Dec 2022Read More
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AnonymousVerified Icon
B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - Batch of 2026
Offered by K.L.N. College of Engineering
4Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Infrastructure is good, but canteen and foods are average.
Placements: The college has a 70% placement rate, but the placements vary from year to year. This college has the approval of the All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, and is affiliated with Anna University, Chennai. Above 75 percent of students were placed in this course.
Infrastructure: The facility available in our department building is Wi-Fi but the speed is only below average, so the signal won't be available across the building. Labs: the labs are pretty old with equipment and tables since our college has been open for 30 years, but they are well-equipped with practical learning in electronic and communication. The computers are also pretty decent, with Windows 7 and 10 installed.
Faculty: The staff and faculty are very helpful, well-qualified, and knowledgeable. Most of our department staff have over 15 years of experience in industry and academia and hold PhDs. Their teaching quality is also commendable, but some staff are rough with students. The course curriculum is also relevant to our department, including trending topics like cloud computing, machine learning, and AI. It helps to have knowledge of all sectors and industry needs. Semester exams are fair but challenging. The pass percentage is 50% in all subjects, and there are 3 to 4 internal exams each semester.
Other: There are around 50% placed in a job for the minimum salary. The packages are INR 3–5 LPA. The top recruiting companies are Soft Vision, Data Pattern, Zoho Technologies, and Infosys. 20% of the students got internships in the industries and paid the minimum amount.
Reviewed on 13 Jul 2024Read More
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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 

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B.Tech. in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science
K.L.N. College of Engineering 
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Pottapalayam, Sivagangai District
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