RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024 (Revised): Negative Marking & Instructions

RRB Non Technical Popular Categories 2024 ( RRB NTPC )

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Anangsha Patra

Anangsha PatraDeputy Manager – Editorial

Updated on Sep 21, 2024 19:29 IST

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024: Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) revised RRB NTPC exam pattern for graduate and undergraduate posts. The revision in exam pattern has been done for 2nd stage CBT. The second stage CBT has been made common for all the levels of graduate and undergraduate posts. The selection process is different for different posts. The exam for graduate and undergraduate posts will be conducted separately and the difficulty level will also vary.

Earlier, the second stage CBT was conducted separately for different posts. RRB NTPC exam pattern is such that it comprises CBT 1, CBT 2, CBAT, Typing Skill Test, and document verification/medical examination. The exam pattern of RRB NTPC 2024 highlights the overall structure of the exam such as marking scheme, exam duration, number of sections, total marks, etc. RRB NTPC exam is conducted online and the subjects included in the test are General Awareness, Mathematics, General Intelligence, and Reasoning. 

The total marks allotted to the CBT 1 exam are 100 whereas, CBT 2 carries a total of 120 marks. The duration of the test is 90 minutes (120 minutes for PwBD candidates accompanied by scribe). For a wrong answer in CBT, 1/3 marks are deducted.

Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) is conducted for the posts of Traffic Assistant and Station Master. There are no negative marks in CBAT. The Typing test is conducted for the posts of Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time Keeper. The test is qualifying in nature. Candidates are required to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Computer. Candidates qualifying the Typing Test and CBAT are called for document verification and medical exam. Normalisation of marks is done to calculate the scores of candidates in the exam. Read below for more details on RRB NTPC exam pattern 2024.

Q:   Is there minimum qualifying marks in RRB NTPC exam?


Yes, there is a minimum qualifying cut off in RRB NTPC exam. The minimum qualifying marks for CBT 1 and 2 for General, EWS categories is 40 per cent, for OBC and SC is 30 per cent and for ST category is 25 per cent. In CBAT, candidates are required to secure a minimum T-score of 42 marks. Besides, cut off marks, candidates are also required to secure the qualifying marks as per their categories. Candidates need to secure the qualifying marks in CBTs and CBAT inorder to qualify the exam. The CBT 1 comprises questions from General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. The total marks allotted to the CBT 1 are 100. The CBT 2 comprises questions from General Questions Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. Total marks allotted to the test are 120.

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Q:   What are the important points related to RRB NTPC Typing Test?


The instructions related to RRB NTPC Typing Test are given below:

  • The candidates are required to type at least 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi
  • The candidates will have to type in English or Hindi, as per option exercised by them on RRB websites. English will be the Typing Language for those who have not exercised their option Candidates who have opted Hindi for Typing Test must be familiar with the usage of Krutidev or Mangal font
  • The exam session consists of three parts as Typing practice for one minute to warm up & familiarize with key board,  Break of 30 seconds and Typing Test for 10 minutes which will be taken for evaluation
  • As the skill test is to determine the speed, candidates who have completed the passage can retype passage from the beginning within the duration of test i.e. 10 minutes. Candidates who do not type the whole passage at least once in 10 minutes will be treated as disqualified. The transcripts of those candidates who do not type 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi within the prescribed time will not be evaluated
  • The evaluation of the passage typed by the candidate will be done as follows:
  • The mistakes will be classified as full mistakes and half mistakes. 5 per cent mistakes of the total words typed may be ignored. Accordingly, the total number of mistakes will be calculated as under:
  1. No. of full mistakes + No. of half mistakes/2 = Total Mistakes
  2. Number of mistakes – 5 per cent of total number of words typed = Final count of mistakes
  • The typing speed of the candidate will be worked out by the following formula:
  • Typing Speed= No. of total words typed – (Final count of mistake x 10)/Time 
  • For example: If a candidate types a total number of 400 words in 10 minutes and commits 10 final count of mistakes, his speed would be worked out as follows:
  1. 400- (10x10)/10= 300/10 = 30 w.p.m
  • The minimum speed should be 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi




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Q:   What is the right time to begin with the preparation for RRB NTPC exam?

To prepare for RRB NTPC exam, it is ideal that candidates must begin their preparation one year or six months before the exam. Before beginning with the preparation, candidates must be thorough with the exam pattern. Going through the exam pattern, candidates can know the marking scheme, exam duration, number of sections, etc.
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RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2024

RRB NTPC exam pattern highlights details such as marking scheme, total marks, sections, duration of the test, section-wise weightage, etc. RRB NTPC exam pattern will help candidates to know the overall structure of the exam. The post-wise RRB NTPC exam pattern is given in the table below.

Revised Exam Pattern for Graduate Posts

Name of the post
Level in 7th CPC 1st stage CBT 2ndstage CBT Skill Test requirement

Goods Train Manager






Common for all Posts




 Common for all posts


Senior Clerk cum Typist


Typing Skill Test

Junior Account Assistant cum Typist


Typing Skill Test

Chief Commercial cum Ticket Supervisor



Station Master



Based Aptitude Test

Previous Exam Pattern for Graduate Posts

Name of the post

Level in 7th CPC

1st stage CBT

2nd stage CBT

Skill test requirement

Junior Clerk cum


Common for all posts

Common For all Level 2 post

Typing Skill Test

Accounts Clerk cum


Typing Skill Test

Junior Time Keeper


Typing Skill Test

Trains Clerk



Commercial cum
Ticket Clerk


Separate for Level 3 post


Traffic Assistant


Separate for Level 4 post

Based Aptitude

Goods Guard


Common for all Level 5 post


Senior Commercial
cum Ticket Clerk



Senior Clerk cum


Typing Skill Test

Junior Account
Assistant cum Typist


Typing Skill Test

Senior Time Keeper


Typing Skill Test



Common for all Level 6 post


Station Master


Based Aptitude

Revised RRB NTPC Exam Pattern for Undergraduate Posts

Sl. No.  Name of the post Level in 7th CPC 1st stage CBT 2ndstage CBT Skill Test requirement


Commercial cum Ticket Clerk



Common for all Posts


Common for all posts





Typing Skill Test




Typing Skill Test





Highlights of RRB NTPC Exam Pattern

Some of the important highlights of RRB NTPC exam pattern are given below.

Parameters Details
Name of the exam RRB NTPC 
Stages of exam First Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), Second Stage Computer Based Test (CBT), Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (as applicable), and Document Verification/Medical Examination
Mode of exam Online
Subjects General Awareness, Mathematics, General Intelligence, and Reasoning
Total marks

First Stage CBT: 100

Second Stage CBT: 120

Language of question paper

Hindi, English, Urdu, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, and Telugu

Time duration

90 minutes

Negative marks 1/3

RRB NTPC CBT 1 Exam Pattern

The first stage CBT of RRB NTPC comprises questions from General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. The test paper carries a total of 100 objective-type multiple-choice questions. The first stage CBT is qualifying in nature. The standard of questions in the first stage CBT is of Class 10, 12, and graduation levels. The first stage CBT carries 100 marks. The exam is held for 90 minutes (120 minutes for PwBD candidates accompanied by scribe). The examination authority releases RRB NTPC Answer Key for this stage. The section-wise distribution of questions is given below.

Sections Number of questions

General Awareness




General Intelligence and Reasoning




Also Read: RRB NTPC Salary

RRB NTPC CBT 2 Exam Pattern

RRB NTPC exam pattern for the second stage CBT is such that it is divided into three sections-General Questions Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. The test carries a total of 120 questions. The duration of the test is 90 minutes (120 minutes is given to PwBD candidates). Candidates can check below the section-wise distribution of questions of RRB NTPC exam:

Sections Number of questions

General Awareness




General Intelligence and Reasoning




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Also Read: NTPC vs RRB NTPC: Know Difference in Full Forms, Posts & Selection Process

RRB NTPC Exam Pattern for CBAT

The CBAT is conducted for candidates who have opted for Traffic Assistant and Station Master. The questions and answer options will be in English and Hindi. Candidates requires a minimum T-score of 42 marks to qualify this test. Candidates are given different test batteries consisting of five to six tests as per the posts. There is no negative marking in CBAT. Candidates need to score 70 per cent in CBT 2 and 30 per cent marks in CBAT inorder to be called for document verification

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RRB NTPC Admit Card

RRB NTPC Admit Card


RRB NTPC Exam Pattern for Typing Test

The typing skill test is conducted for the posts of Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time Keeper. The typing skill test is qualifying in nature. Candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Computer. Candidates are not allowed to use editing tools and spell check facilities. Candidates are required to type at least 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi. The exam session consists of three parts-Typing practice for one minute to warm up & familiarize with key board, Break of 30 seconds and Typing Test for 10 minutes which will be taken for evaluation. Candidates will have to type in English or Hindi, as per option exercised by them. English will be the Typing Language for those who have not exercised their option Candidates who have opted Hindi for Typing Test must be familiar with the usage of Krutidev or Mangal font. The duration of the test is 10 minutes.

Q:   Is RRB NTPC exam tough?

RRB NTPC exam was moderate in terms of difficulty level. The General Awareness section was moderate, while General Intelligence and Reasoning sections were easy. The overall difficulty level of the Mathematics section was easy to moderate. RRB NTPC exam is held for 90 minutes for general candidates while 120 minutes is given for PwBD candidates. There are no sectional timings in RRB NTPC exam. Candidates need to attempt the paper within the allotted time duration.
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Q:   What is RRB NTPC exam pattern for CBT 1?


The first stage CBT of RRB NTPC comprises questions from General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. The test paper carries a total of 100 objective-type multiple-choice questions. The first stage CBT is qualifying in nature. The test carries 100 marks. The exam is held for 90 minutes (120 minutes for PwBD candidates accompanied by scribe). The structure of RRB NTPC exam pattern for CBT 1 is given below.


Number of questions

General Awareness




General Intelligence and Reasoning




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Q:   Does RRB NTPC also conduct interviews for level 2,3,4,5 and 6?

According to government notification, there will be no interviews at the Group C and Group D level post recruitment. The RRB NTPC recruits for Group C level posts in railways; there will be no interviews for the RRB NTPC at levels 2, 3,4,5, and 6. The selection process for NTPC is as follows: 1. First Stage Computer Based Test, 2. Second-stage computer-based test 3. The third stage is a typing skill test or a computer-based aptitude test, depending on the post. 4. Finally, document verification and a medical examination will be done after shortlisting aspirants.
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RRB NTPC Marking Scheme

RRB NTPC marking scheme is prescribed by the examination authority. The marks of candidates are calculated based on the marking scheme given below:

  • One mark is given to candidates for correct answers in the exam
  • The marks of each session of the test are normalised since the exam is conducted in multiple sessions
  • Normalisation of marks is done to adjust the difficulty of question papers

Also Read: RRB NTPC Marks Calculator

Q:   Is there any negative marking in RRB NTPC exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking in RRB NTPC exam. 1/3 of the marks are deducted for wrong answers. For the correct answer, candidates score one mark. The total marks of the exam are calculated based on the number of correct and incorrect answers. The question paper of RRB NTPC is framed in 15 languages-Hindi, English Urdu, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipur, Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu.
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Q:   How to prepare for RRB NTPC typing skill tests?

The Railway Recruitment Board conducts RRB NTPC to select candidates for non-technical popular categories (NTPC) graduate and undergraduate posts in various Zonal Railways and production units of the Indian Railways. Following the qualifying written exam, the RRB NTPC Typing Test is conducted, and, according to guidelines, candidates would be required to type 300 words at a minimum speed of 30 words per minute (w. p. m.) in English or 250 words at 25 w. p. m. in Hindi on a computer within 10 minutes. However, even if a candidate fails the typing skills test, they will still be eligible for other posts depending upon their merit in the written exam. Some tips to clear the RRB NTPC Typing Skills Test are: 1. Focus on accuracy. 2. Practice to increase speed after gaining accuracy. 3. Set specific goals on a daily and weekly basis. 4. For the typing skills test, take as many mock tests as you can. 5. Analyze the time and speed of typing a particular phrase and improve with practice.
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Q:   Will there be any normalisation of marks in RRB NTPC exam?

Yes, there is normalisation of marks in RRB NTPC exam. According to the normalisation process, the marks obtained in the exam are calculated on the basis of an average score of the top one percent of the candidates considering all shifts. The marks are calculated up to five decimal places. RRB NTPC exam is conducted in various stages, such as first stage CBT, second stage CBT, Typing Skill Test/Computer Based Aptitude Test (CBAT) (as applicable), and Document Verification/Medical Examination.
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RRB NTPC Syllabus 2024

Candidates can check below RRB NTPC syllabus 2024 for different sections.

RRB NTPC Mathematics Syllabus

Number System, Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage, Mensuration, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, Elementary Statistics, etc. 

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RRB NTPC General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

Analogies, Completion of Number and Alphabetical Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical Operations, Similarities and Differences, Relationships, Analytical Reasoning, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagrams, Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Statement- Conclusion, Statement- Courses of Action, Decision Making, Maps, Interpretation of Graphs, etc.

RRB NTPC General Awareness Syllabus

Current Events of National and International Importance, Games and Sports, Art and Culture of India, Indian Literature, Monuments and Places of India, General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE), History of India and Freedom Struggle, Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World, Indian Polity and Governance- constitution and political system, General Scientific and Technological Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India, UN and Other important World Organizations, Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at Large, Basics of Computers and Computer Applications, Common Abbreviations, Transport Systems in India, Indian Economy, Famous Personalities of India and World, Flagship Government Programs, Flora and Fauna of India, Important Government and Public Sector Organizations of India, etc.

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RRB Group D Exam Pattern RRB ALP Exam Pattern RRB JE Exam Pattern

Q:   What is RRB NTPC syllabus?


The Railway Recruitment Board prescribes RRB NTPC syllabus for CBT 1 and 2. The syllabus is mentioned in the official recruitment notification. The exam is conducted to select candidates for various posts such as Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist, Junior Time Keeper, Trains Clerk, Station Master, etc in the Indian Railways. It is highly competitive exam and the knowledge of RRB NTPC syllabus is important to crack the exam. The syllabus of RRB NTPC highlights the topics that candidates need to cover for the exam. RRB NTPC syllabus includes topics and sub-topics from three subjects-General Intelligence & Reasoning, Mathematics, and General Awareness. RRB NTPC syllabus for different subjects is given below:

  • Mathematics: Data Interpretation, Profit, Loss & Discount, Speed, Time & Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Geometry, Time and Work, Percentage, etc. 
  • Reasoning: Alphabet series, Number series, Coding-Decoding, Venn Diagram, Syllogism, etc.
  • General Awareness: Current Affairs Static GK, Polity and Constitution, History, Geography, Art and Culture, etc.




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Q:   What are the important topics for RRB NTPC General Intelligence and Reasoning section?


RRB NTPC syllabus for Reasoning include questions from verbal and non-verbal Reasoning. The board prescribes RRB NTPC syllabus to evaluate the analytical, critical and logical reasoning skills of candidates applying for various non-technical posts. It also helps in evaluating the problem-solving ability and decision-making skills of candidates. Candidates who are well-versed in Reasoning inorder to score high marks in this section. For RRB NTPC General Intelligence and Reasoning section, candidates need to prepare Coding and Decoding, Analytical Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Decision Making, Puzzle, etc. This section carries 30 questions in CBT 1 and 35 in CBT 2. Candidates should practice mock tests and previous years’ question papers to ace this section.

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Q:   What is the important part of RRB NTPC General Knowledge syllabus, from where the maximum number of questions are asked?


For General Knowledge section of RRB NTPC you need to cover Current Events of National and International Importance, Indian Literature, History, Polity, Geography, Economics, etc. The weightage given to this section in CBT 1 is 40 and in CBT 2 is 50. For RRB NTPC General Science and General Awareness, you can refer to the Lucent General Science and Lucent GK books. For General Science, you can also clear your concepts from high school Science books. RRB NTPC syllabus for General Knowledge is given below:

  • Current Events of National and International Importance
  • Games and Sports
  • Art and Culture of India
  • Indian Literature
  • Monuments and Places of India
  • General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE) General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE)
  • History of India and Freedom Struggle
  • Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World
  • Indian Polity and Governance- constitution and political system
  • General Scientific and Technological Developments including Space and Nuclear Program of India
  • UN and Other important World Organizations
  • Environmental Issues Concerning India and World at Large
  • Basics of Computers and Computer Applications
  • Common Abbreviations
  • Transport Systems in India
  • Indian Economy
  • Famous Personalities of India and World
  • Flagship Government Programs
  • Flora and Fauna of India
  • Important Government and Public Sector Organizations of India etc
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RRB NTPC Exam Pattern FAQs

Candidates can check below RRB NTPC exam pattern FAQs.

Q:   How to prepare for RRB NTPC and which book is the best for preparation?

The tips and tricks to prepare for RRB NTPC exam are given below: a) Understand the exam pattern and syllabus b) Practice the previous years' question papers to know the type of questions asked in the exam/li&get; c) Solve mock tests to improve speed and accuracy d) Identify the strengths and weakness and work towards improving the weaker areas/li&get; e) Refer to a good book and clear the concepts of each topic Questions asked in the RRB NTPC exam are generally of the school level. Candidates can brush up on the topics prescribed for Science subjects from the NCERT books of Classes 7 to 10. The books that candidates can refer to for RRB NTPC exam are given below: Mathematics Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal Fast Track by Rajesh Verma NCERT Maths from Grade 6 to Grade 11 Magical Books on Quicker Maths by M Tyra Advance Maths by Rakesh Yadav General Intelligence and Reasoning Analytical Reasoning by MK Pandey Test of Reasoning by Edgar Thorpe A Modern Approach to Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal New Approach to Reasoning Verbal, Non-Verbal and Analytical by BS Sijwali and Indus Sijwali Lucents General Intelligence and Reasoning General Knowledge Lucents General Knowledge Manorama Yearbook.
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Q:   What is RRB NTPC CBT 2 syllabus?

The RRB NTPC CBT 2 syllabus comprise questions from topics-General Awareness, Mathematics, and General Intelligence and Reasoning. The topics are basically Class 10, Class 12, and Graduation levels, keeping in view the nature of the post. The General Awareness section carried questions from Current Events of National and International Importance, Games and Sports, Art and Culture of India, Indian Literature, Monuments and Places of India, General Science and Life Science (up to 10th CBSE History of India and Freedom Struggle, Physical, Social and Economic Geography of India and World, Indian Polity etc. The Reasoning section carries from Analogies, Completion of Number and Alphabetical Series, Coding and Decoding, Mathematical Operations, Similarities and Differences, Relationships, Analytical Reasoning, Syllogism, Jumbling, Venn Diagrams, Puzzle, Data Sufficiency, Statement- Conclusion, Statement- Courses of Action, Decision Making, Maps, Interpretation of Graphs, etc. The Mathematics section carries questions from topics such as Number System Decimals, Fractions, LCM, HCF, Ratio and Proportions, Percentage, Mensuration Time and Work, Time and Distance, Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Elementary Algebra Geometry and Trigonometry Elementary Statistics etc.
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Q:   What is the right time to begin with the preparation for RRB NTPC exam?

To prepare for RRB NTPC exam, it is ideal that candidates must begin their preparation one year or six months before the exam. Before beginning with the preparation, candidates must be thorough with the exam pattern. Going through the exam pattern, candidates can know the marking scheme, exam duration, number of sections, etc.
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Q:   Will I get the RRB NTPC answer key and question papers for first stage and second stage CBT exams?

Yes, RRB NTPC answer keys and question papers are released by RRBs a few days after the completion of the test. Along with the answer key, the candidate response sheet is also made available. To download the question paper and answer key, candidates need to enter the required login credentials. Candidates can also raise objections against the question papers and answer keys.
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Answered 2 days ago

The last date to apply for the RRB NTPC 2024 exam is January 4, 2024. Ensure to complete your application before this deadline. It is important to double-check all details and documents to avoid any last-minute issues while applying for the exam.


Akshat Goel

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 6 days ago

I can suggest few general strategies for finding important questions for the RRB Non-Technical UG 2024 exam:

  1. Official RRB Resources: Check the official Railway Recruitment Board website for any updates or mock exams related to the Non-Technical exam.

  2. Books and Study Material: Many publishers offer boo



Veerraj Sen

Contributor-Level 6

Answered a week ago

RRB NTPC 2024 vacancies for undergraduate posts are given below.

Name of PostVacancy
Accounts Clerk cum Typist361
Comm. Cum Ticket Clerk2022
Jr. Clerk cum Typist990
Trains Clerk72


Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a week ago

Candidates should make their own travel arrangements. Train tickets are provided to candidates belonging to SC/ST categories. Candidate availing free train tickets are required to download free travelling authority. They are required to  show the free travelling authority while going for the exam.


Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a week ago

The reporting timings for RRB NTPC exam are given below.,

ParametersShift 1Shift 2

Reporting Time

8.30 am

1.30 pm

Gate Closing Time

10 am

3 pm

Exam Start Time

10.30 am

3.30 pm


Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a week ago

RRB NTPC city intimation and admit card are two separate things. RRB NTPC city intimation slip is released 10 days before the exam whereas the admit card released four days before the exam. Candidates can download the city slip to check the allotted test city. The details regarding the exam centres



Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a week ago

Candidates can check their allotted exam centres through the official RRB websites. Visit the Official Website for your region. Navigate to view your exam centre details. Your exam centre details will be mentioned on your admit card. 


Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a week ago

In the RRB NTPC ( Railway Recruitment Board Non- Technical Popular Categories) exam, candidates have the option to choose the medium of examination at the time of application. However once you have selected Bengali or any local language you cannot change the medium of examination to English it is no



Ashish Singh

Beginner-Level 5

Answered a week ago

RRB NTPC 2024 application status 2024 will be released soon. Candidates can check their application status by logging with the required credentials. The application status will show whether the candidate's online form has been accepted or rejected. If the form gets rejected, the examination authorit



Anangsha Patra

Contributor-Level 10

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9 Dec '24: SSC JHT Exam Date 2024
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Dec '24: Release of UPTET Notification