Updated on Feb 4, 2025 10:18 IST
Vidhi Jain

Vidhi JainContent Writer

Master of Technology, which is called MTech, most frequently is a two-year professional technical degree course. It is done after completing the BTech/BE or BSc. The popular courses chosen are MTech in Information Technology, MTech in Data Science, MTech in Artificial Intelligence, MTech in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, and MTech in Information Security and Cyber Forensics. Students can opt to do part-time MTech or regular MTech according to their convenience. 

MTech Syllabus: Important Facts

Some important facts based on the MTech syllabus can be read below:

  • This course has various subjects related to mathematical background, networking, principles of advanced programming, and many more. Thus, before enrolling in any of the offered courses for MTech, the student needs to get detailed information on the syllabus of that course.
  • MTech is a master's course divided into 4 semesters; each has a period of 6 months, which means the total course duration is 2 years.
  • There are various specialisations available for MTech like Chemical Engineering, Process Control and Instrumentation Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Power Systems Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Electronics, and Communication Engineering, and VLSI System Design.
  • The AICTE has approved the programme of distance learning for MTech.
  • Every institute has its own syllabus for MTech. Subjects may be the same, but the pattern and structure may differ.
  • The fourth semester of this course involves project work. The students are allocated a project on which they must work and make the project report.
  • The course consists of core and elective subjects. Core subjects are compulsory, whereas the students choose elective subjects from the options of the subjects provided to them as per their interests.


List of Subjects in MTech Syllabus

A student taking MTech in any specialised course must know what that course offers in terms of knowledge. Below are a few core subjects and elective subjects offered by the specialised course.       

 Typical Core Subjects for MTech

Subject title

Subject details

MTech in Chemical Engineering: Advanced Momentum Transfer, Advanced Mass Transfer Operations

These subjects introduce the students to the following concepts –

1)Turbulent flow, Bernoulli's equation and its applications, Gas-liquid and solid-liquid fluidised bed, etc.

2) Characterisation of Separation processes, Multistage separation processes, Binary multistage separation, Energy requirements of a separation process, etc.

 MTech in Civil Engineering: Matrix

1)Methods of Structural Analysis

2)Finite Element Analysis

These subjects introduce the students to the following concepts

1) It involves matrix methods like Direct Flexibility, Generalised Flexibility, Direct Stiffness, Generalised Stiffness, etc.

2) FEM & Approximate Methods, One Dimensional FE Analysis, FE Analysis by Direct Approach, Two Dimensional FE Analysis, etc.

 MTech Software Engineering: 1)Machine Learning 2)Software Architecture

These subjects introduce the students to the following concepts-

1) Basic definitions, types of learning, hypothesis space and inductive bias, evaluation, cross-validation, Perceptron, introduction to the deep neural network, k-means, adaptive hierarchical clustering, Gaussian mixture model, etc.

2) Architecture Documentation: SEI Framework, Module View, Component and Connector View, Deployment View, Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture: Layer, MVC, Pipe-Filter, etc.

MTech in Electrical Engineering


The subject introduces the students to the concepts of Modelling Power System Components, Synchronous machine modelling and its analysis, Excitation system modelling, etc.

Typical Elective Subjects for MTech

Subject title

Subject details

 MTech in Chemical Engineering:

1)Advanced Heat Transfer

2) Bioprocess Engineering

These subjects introduce the students to the following concepts

1)Steady-state heat conduction, Unsteady state condition, Natural Convection, Forced Convection, and Radiation Heat transfer.

2) Enzyme & Cell Kinetics, Transport Phenomena in Bioprocess Systems, Bioreactor Design, and Analysis.

 MTech in Civil Engineering:

1)Structural Health Monitoring,

2)Design of Masonry Structures

These subjects introduce the students to the following concepts – 1) SHM & Smart Materials, Vibration Control & SHM, Electrical Impedance Methods in SHM, Advanced signal processing methods in SHM, etc.

2) Strength of Masonry in Compression, Flexural, Shear and Bond Strength, Designing of Load Bearing Masonry Buildings, Earthquake Resistant Masonry Buildings, etc.

MTech Software Engineering:

1) Software Performance Engineering

2)Software Language Engineering

These subjects introduce the students to the following concepts -

1) Performance Metrics, Basic Performance Analysis, Workload Identification and Characterisation, From Workloads to Business Aspects of Performance Requirements, Qualitative and Quantitative Types of Performance Requirements, etc.

2) Introduction, Grammars and parsing, Language processing, Attribute grammars, Rewriting & strategies, Automated refactoring, Domain-specific languages, Domain-specific language design, etc.

MTech in Electrical Engineering

1) Advanced Digital Signal Processing

2) Power Sector Economics, Regulation & Restructuring

These subjects introduce the students to the concepts of Discrete 1)Time Signals, Digital FIR And IIR Filter Design, Adaptive Digital Filters, Multi-Rate Digital Signal Processing, etc.

2) Power Sector in India, Power sector economics and regulation, Power Tariff, Electricity Markets Pricing, Non-price issues, Power sector restructuring, market reform, etc.

Detailed Syllabus for MTech (Computer Science)

MTech comprises a wide range of specialised courses that further have their typical subjects. Below is the list of some covered subjects under the MTech curriculum.



Subject title

Subject Details









Data Structure & Algorithm

This subject involves the study of algorithms and their analysis and Big-O notation, array sequences, stacks, queues and deques, linked lists, recursion, trees, searching and sorting algorithms, graph algorithms, etc. This is the base for computer programming.

Discrete Structures For Computer Science

This subject involves the study of Sets, Relations, Functions and Lattices, Propositional, Logic, Counting and Probability, and Abstract Algebra. These topics are essential to cope with the other subjects of MTech.

Embedded Systems Design

This subject involves the study of Introduction to Embedded systems – Classification, Major application areas, Purpose, Examples; The 8051 Architecture, Introduction to Real-Time Operating Systems, Basic Design Using a Real-Time Operating System. This program gives students in-depth knowledge of embedded system development.

Operating Systems Design

This subject involves the study of the architecture of the UNIX operating system, The Buffer Cache, INODES, System Calls for the file system, Process states and transitions, System boot and the INIT Process, Awaiting process termination, Swapping, – Hybrid System, the I/O Subsystem.








Object-Oriented Systems Engineering

This subject involves the study of Project Organisation – Communication – Project Management. Life cycle models – UML Diagrams, Analysis Object Model (Domain Model), Dynamic Object Modelling, Mapping Design (Models) to Code – Configuration Management. This subject helps develop the ability to analyse and develop software using object-oriented methodology.

Computer System Design And Architecture

This subject involves the study of Fundamentals, Instruction level parallelism and its limits, Static Scheduling and Memory hierarchy design, and Static Scheduling and Memory hierarchy design.

Automated Verification

This subject involves the study of Introduction, Transition System Models of Systems; Linear-Time Properties, Regular Properties, Model Checking, System, Tools, Properties. The knowledge of this subject helps prove the correctness of software expressed as source code, combinational circuits, and digital circuits with internal memory.


Compiler Design

This subject involves studying basic translation mechanisms and error detection & recovery, lexical, syntax, and semantic analysis as the front end, and code generation and optimisation as the back end.




Advanced Software Testing

This subject involves studying the software testing processes, test techniques like Specification-Based Techniques, Experience-Based Testing Techniques, Testing Applications on the Web, and Processing of Maturity Models. Gives a detailed idea of the strengths and limitations of various functional and structural testing methods.



Systems Modelling And Simulation

This subject involves the study of Systems, Models, and Simulation, Components of a System, Model of a System Concepts in Discrete-Event Simulation, Modelling Complex Systems, and Simulation of Computer Systems. This subject is useful in system engineering.




The report on the assigned project is submitted during the seminar. The viva is conducted by the internal and external appointed by the university to check the student's knowledge of their chosen specialised subject.

Specialisations offered in MTech

The MTech program has a wide range of specialisation courses. Below are some of the well-known courses. 


Specialisation Subjects

Subject Details

Communication Engineering

 Signal Theory, Antenna Theory, and Design Signal, Processing Algorithms & Applications, Advances in Wireless Networks, Fibre Optic Communication and Networks, Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility.

The subjects deal in providing a broad understanding of social, ethical, and professional issues of contemporary engineering practice and related technologies and professional, ethical, and societal responsibilities.

MTech in Civil Engineering with a specialisation in Environmental Engineering

Environmental Chemistry and Microbiology, Environmental Legislation and Management, Industrial wastewater and Treatment Management, Environmental Sanitation, Agricultural Pollution Control, NanoTechnology for Water and Wastewater Treatment, Environmental Auditing.

The course deals with teaching students professional/ethical attitude, effective teamwork skills, a multidisciplinary approach, and relating engineering issues to a broader context, providing a solid foundation in mathematical, and scientific fundamentals required to solve environment-related problems.

MTech in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Signal Theory, Radiation, and Microwave Techniques, Signal Processing Algorithms & Applications, Estimation and Detection, Theory Information Theory and Coding, Artificial Neural Networks and Applications, Advanced Biomedical Signal Processing, Internet of Things.

The subjects will help to develop an ability in students to apply knowledge of mathematics, sciences, and engineering to Electronics and Telecommunication problems, design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret data/results, system development,components, devices, or process to meet desired needs.

MTech in Digital Communication

Signal Theory, Antenna Theory and Design, Advanced Digital Communication, Estimation and Detection Theory, Information Theory and Coding, Neural Networks in Embedded Applications Multirate Digital Signal Processing, Synthesis & Optimization of Digital Circuits.

This course will help the students to evaluate Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering problems with cost-effectiveness, features, and user-friendliness to cater to needs for innovative product development.

Books and Authors Related to MTech        

A candidate pursuing MTech has to work on sharpening their knowledge on the core as well as the elective subjects. Various books by famous writers are available in libraries of the colleges as well. If the students want to buy, they can buy them offline or online; every subject has its book. Below are some well-known and popularly used books with their authors and description.


Book title


Description of the book

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

 Shaila D. Apte

The book aims at providing a rigorous treatment of Advanced Digital Signal Processing.

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing and GIS

 Chandra, A.M.

This book aims at explaining the fundamentals of the emerging technology of remote sensing combined with GIS.

Advanced Computer Architecture

Advanced Computer Organisation Architecture

Ikvinderpal Singh

It provides the concepts and designs of Advanced Computer Architecture in detail for the students of MTech.

Digital Design and Verification

Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis

Samir Palnitkar

The book offers broad coverage of Verilog HDL from a practical design perspective.

Voice and Data Network

An Integrated Approach to Computer Network

Bhavneet Sidhu

It gives the students a conceptual understanding of current networking technologies and further technologies of the industry.

Mathematical Methods in Control

Probability, Random Variable, and Stochastic Processes.

Papoulis & Pillai

All the fundamental principles of Probability, Random Variable, and Stochastic Processes and their usage has been explained in this book with the help of examples of basic applications.

Robotics and Automation

Control in Robotics and Automation: Sensor Based Integration


The topics in the book are found to cover integration planning and control based on prior knowledge and real-time sensory information.

Entrance Exams for MTech  

Check the names of top MTech entrance exams below:

  1. GATE: The Indian Institute of Science (IIS) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) jointly conduct this GATE. The exam is conducted through computer-based mode. Marks allotted to each section in all Papers except AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, and XL are as follows-
    • Engineering Mathematics - 13 Marks,
    • Subject Questions - 72 Marks,
    • General Aptitude - 15 Marks.

whereas in AR, CY, EY, GG, MA, PH, XH and XL papers, the marks allotted to each session are Questions from the Concerned Subject - 85 Marks and General Aptitude - 15 Marks.

  1. TANCET: Its full form is the Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET). It is conducted at the state level. The cut-off of the exam is announced by the exam conducting authorities. The mode of exam is offline and there is negative marking for wrong answer. It is divided into 3 sections, namely
    • Engineering Mathematics (25 marks),
    • Basic Engineering and Sciences (30 marks), and
    • Discipline-specific section (60 marks).
  1. TS PGECET: It is a state-level examination for Tamil Nadu. Osmania University, Hyderabad conducts the exam. It is a computer-based exam and has 2 sections - Mathematics (10 questions) and the chosen subject (110 questions). It has no negative marking.
  1. AP PGECET : AP PGECET is a state-level exam conducted by Andhra University. The syllabus of the exam depends on the chosen course. The exam mode is online. Total marks are 120; duration is 2 hours, and there is no negative marking.
  1. VITMEE: It is a computer-based, state-level exam conducted by the VIT University. Through this exam, the student can get admission to the Vellore and Chennai Campuses of VIT University. The duration of the exam is one and a half hours. Divided into two sections – English Communication (20 marks) and subject opted by a student (80 marks). No negative marking.

Other common entrance exams include:

  1. Gujarat PGCET
  3. BITS HD Admission Test
  4. Karnataka PGCET, etc.

MTech Syllabus for Distance Programme

Regular education is the one in which one has to go to college, but in the case of distance education, the study is done with the help of provided course material without any instructor.

The All India Council for Technical Education, commonly mentioned as AICTE, is the regulatory body that has approved MTech distance education. One can enrol in the MTech courses from top distance universities from any part of the world. The syllabus for distance education is not different in the case of theory, but it may differ in the case of practicals.

The course fee for MTech distance learning is less than regular MTech learning. This depends entirely on the college to which you are admitted. The duration of education is 2 years with 4 semesters, which is the same as the regular programme; only the classes are held virtually.

Distance education, however, fails to provide practical knowledge to the students, and also there is a probability of cheating during examinations. Though, it is a good option for working students who want to study along with earning money.

The students who do MTech through distance learning will have the same value as the ones who do traditional learning.

Top Colleges for MTech

MTech course is one of the most opted courses by students in India. Thus, there are many institutes that provide this course. Every institute has  its syllabus and pattern of conducting the courses. The subjects may be the same, but the structure and the way of teaching the course may vary. Below is the list of top 10 colleges for MTech in India according to the National Institute Ranking Framework (NIRF) ranking.

College/University/Institution (Abbreviation.)

Syllabus (URLs)

IIT Madras 

Download Here

 IIT Delhi

To be uploaded soon

IIT Bombay

Download Here

IIT Kanpur

Download Here

IIT Kharagpur

Download Here

IIT Roorkee

Download Here

IIT Hyderabad

Download Here

National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli (NIT Trichy)

Download Here

National Institute of Technology, Karnataka

To be uploaded soon

IIT Guwahati

Download Here


MTech Syllabus: FAQs

Q. What is the full form of M Tech, and who opts for this?

A. The full form of M. Tech is Master of Technology, and it is the course done by the students after completing their B.Tech. The students interested in research or in doing any specialisation in any subject of their interest can opt for this course since it will help to expand their knowledge.

Q. Which M Tech course has the most scope?

A. There are various M Tech specialisation courses like Chemical Engineering, Process Control and Instrumentation, EngineeringComputer Science and Engineering, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Power Systems Engineering,  Mechanical Engineering, Thermal Engineering, Electronics, Communication Engineering, and VLSI System Design. One has to choose among them as per their choice. The course of M Tech has a lot of scopes.

Q. Is GATE compulsory for MTech?

A. Gate is not always compulsory except when you have to take admission to the college that accepts applications based on GATE scores. One can apply for the private colleges' entrance exams, which are easy to crack, with a good score by assuring your admission into the college

Q. Which is better, M Tech or MBA?

A. MTech is related to engineering; while an MBA is all about business management. Both are excellent courses in their respective fields, and both have scope. It is your choice what you like to do more, i.e., whether you are interested in business or if you want to work with computer-based or engineering instruments.

Q. How many years does the M Tech course require?

A. The MTech course is similar to all the Master's courses in terms of time duration and number of semesters. There are a total of 4 semesters, each of 6 months duration. Thus, the total duration of this course is 2 years.

Q. Can I pursue a distance M Tech course from a reputed university?

A. Yes, now you can pursue a distance MTech course from reputed universities. Many universities are now providing the facility for distance MTech with the same range of education levels as the regular MTech courses.

Q. What is the syllabus of the MTech course?

A. The syllabus of MTech differs from the specialised course you opt for. Every college has its syllabus and pattern for this course. Subjects may be the same, but the way they are taught may vary.

Q. What are the eligibility criteria for MTech?

A. To be admitted to MTech, one has to complete a Bachelor's degree in the field relevant to Engineering and technology. The person must have an equal to or more than 50% score (depends on college) in aggregate and must have given the entrance exam for the respective college.

Q. Is MTech difficult?

A. MTech is not difficult if you are interested in the specialised subjects you have taken. You have to study regularly and with a strategy to score well in the MTech course.

Q. How can I get admission to MTech?

A. To get admission to the MTech course, you must have completed a Bachelor's degree in the field relevant to Engineering and technology with a minimum 50% score in aggregate. You have to give the college entrance exams to get admission to the MTech course, or a common entrance exam will also do.

Q. What is the advantage of doing MTech?

A. MTech means master in technology. Thus, if you do this course, you will get a deep technical knowledge of the subject you have selected for specialisation, which will help you get a high-profile job.

Q. Which is a difficult specialisation in MTech?

A. It is said that specialisation in Chemical Engineering is the toughest in MTech. Chemical Engineering focuses mainly on physics, chemistry, and mathematics, which are found to be challenging subjects for the students to work with

Q. What is the difference between distance learning and regular learning?

A. Regular education is the one in which one has to go to college, but in the case of distance education, the study is done with the help of designated course material without any instructor. The All India Council for Technical Education, commonly mentioned as the AICTE, is the regulatory body that has approved M Tech distance education.

Q. What is GATE?

A. GATE is the entrance exam conducted for admission to the M Tech and B.tech courses. The Indian Institute of Science and seven Indian Institutes of Technology jointly conduct this exam. The exam is conducted through computer-based mode. It is tough to crack, but you can easily score well if you study with a strategy

Popular M.E./M.Tech Specializations

Following are the most popular M.E./M.Tech Specializations . You can explore the top Colleges offering these Specializations by clicking the links below.

Popular M.E./M.Tech Colleges in India

Following are the most popular M.E./M.Tech Colleges in India. Learn more about these M.E./M.Tech colleges (Courses, Reviews, Answers & more) by downloading the Brochure.
1.2 L - 10 L
15 - 18.5 LPA

Top 25 in India

48 Courses
3 L - 10 L
14 - 22 LPA

Top 25 in India

23 Courses
1.6 L - 5.98 L

Top 25 in India

20 K - 10 L
8.75 - 84 LPA

Top 25 in India

52 Courses
1.2 L - 3.32 L

Top 10 in Delhi

118 Courses
20 K - 10 L
21.28 LPA

Top 25 in India

Popular Private M.E./M.Tech Colleges in India

15 Courses
60 K - 81 K
5.8 LPA
6 Courses
1.15 L
2 Courses
62 K
4 Courses
40.89 K
4 Courses
1.2 L
1 Course

Student Forum

chatAnything you would want to ask experts?
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Answered 4 hours ago

Both LMNIIT and IIIT Bangalore are good options to pursue MTech. However, in terms of affordability, LMNIIT is more affordable since the tuition fee to pursue M.Tech at LMNIIT is INR 3.87 lakh, and the tuition fee to pursue M.Tech at IIIT Bangalore is INR 9.20 lakh.

Note: The fee mentioned above is a

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 4 hours ago

In order to make a choice between M.Tech courses offered by LMNIIT and NIT Delhi, students can compare the options based on significant factors such as fees and median packages. To help,  presented below is a comparison between the M.Tech courses at LMNIIT and NIT Delhi based on fees and the median

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 4 hours ago

To know which is a better choice, students must weigh both options based on important factors such as fees and median package. As per official sources, the fees to pursue M.Tech at LMNIIT and International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore, is INR 3.87 Lacs and INR 9.20 lakh, respective

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

The total fees to pursue the LNM Institute of Information Technology M.Tech programme consist of amounts related to various fee components. Some of the major fee components included in the structure are tuition fees, hostel fees, etc. Combining all, the total fee amounts to INR 6.29 lakh. Check out

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

Yes, LNM Institute of Information Technology does provide a refund in case of withdrawal of admission. Those who wish to avail refund must fill out the Online Refund Request form by logging into their student account made at the time of applications. Return requests are processed within fifteen work

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

Candidates who have a valid CUET PG score are eligible for LNM Institute of Information Technology M.Tech admissions. The institute has prescribed a CUET PG cutoff. Those who meet the cutoff and fulfill the eligibility criteria are offered direct admission to the programme. Such candidates must fill

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

Yes, LNM Institute of Information Technology offers multiple scholarships for its students officially pursuing MTech. These scholarships are designed to bridge the financial gap. Students who have a valid GATE score are eligible for AICTE scholarships. Other than this, M.Tech students are also eligi

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

LNM Institute of Information Technology offers two specialisations under its M.Tech programme. These specialisations are Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) and Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE). For both the courses, the institute offers an equal number of seats, i.e., 15. Combini

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

MTech seats offered at LNM Institute of Information Technology are offered to students based on marks obtained in the accepted entrance test (GATE/CUET PG) or qualifying exam marks. For each mode of admission, the institute has set predetermined cutoffs. Those who meet the cutoff are offered direct

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

Yes, M.Tech curriculum at LNM Institute of Information Technology includes elective subjects. Students enrolled in the programme get to choose subjects that align best with their interests. Given below is a list of some of the elective subjects offered by the institute:

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 5 hours ago

Yes, as per the LMNIIT M.Tech curriculum, students officially enrolled in the programme are required to complete the summer internship programme. Students are allowed to choose the company and industry of their choice, given that it is relevant to their degree. Moreover, after completion of the inte

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

The syllabus for the LNM Institute of Information Technology M.Tech in CSE programme consists of various theory subjects. Some of the subjects taught in this programme are Linear Algebra, Data Structure and Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Digital Systems, etc. Apart from this, students enrolled in

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

As per last year's LMNIIT M.Tech admission schedule, the application forms for 2025 are expected to be released in October. Generally, the institute opens the application portal for one month. Thus, students seeking admission get around one month to complete the application process. After that, the

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

Students who meet the GATE cutoff as prescribed by the LNM Institute of Information Technology are offered direct admission to the M.Tech programme. Thus, candidates seeking admission can apply via GATE scores. As per official sources, the GATE exam date for the 2025 session is out. The exam is sche

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

LNM Institute of Information Technology M.Tech application fees vary depending on the category. Tabulated below is the category-wise application fees to be paid while applying:


Application Fees

Women Applicants

INR 250

Other Applicants

INR 500

Note: The above-mentioned application fees is as per official sources. However, it is subject to change.


Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

The applications for LNM Institute of Information Technology's all courses, including MTech, can only be submitted via the institute's online admission portal. The steps to apply for the M.Tech programme are as follows:

1. Visit the LNMIIT official website and navigate to the admission portal.
2. Fill

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

The M.Tech programme offered by LNM Institute of Information Technology is run by two departments, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. Through these two departments, the institute offers two specialisations under the M.T

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

Yes, it is possible to get admission to the LNM Institute of Information Technology M.Tech programme without a valid GATE score. Those who have not appeared for GATE or do not meet the institute's GATE cutoff can apply via CUET PG scores. If students have not taken CUET PG, then they can apply via q

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

The LNM Institute of Information Technology M.Tech admissions are subject to fulfillment of eligibility and selection criteria. As per the official website, the eligibility requirements differ based on the specialisation. Check out below to know the speciality-wise eligibility criteria:

MTech in CSE:

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 6 hours ago

Candidates who are offered LNM Institute of Information Technology M.Tech admissions must pay the first installment of the tuition fee to confirm their admission. As per official sources, the total tuition fee to pursue a two-year M.Tech programme at the institute amounts to INR 3.87 lakh.

Note: The

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Shailja Rawat

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 22 hours ago

KIIT School of Electronics Engineering fee for M.Tech course ranges between INR 4.8 Lacs - 12 lakh. This fee differs from one specialisation to another. To grab the seat candidates are required to pay some amount of fees during admission. However, this information is sourced from the official websit

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Divya Dixit

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 22 hours ago

Yes,  KIIT School of Electronics Engineering offers an M.Tech course for a duration of two years. The college offers admission to M.Tech entirely entrance-based. To be eligible for admission, candidates are required to apply and appear for KIITEE. Additionally, candidates must pass graduation with i

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Raushan Bhatnagar

Contributor-Level 7

Answered 22 hours ago

KIIT School of Electronics Engineering offers a two-year MTech course at the PG level. As per the minimum eligibility requirements of the course, candidates must pass a UG degree in the relevant discipline. Additionaly, candidates are required to apply and appear for KIITEE entrance exam for admissi

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Sumridhi Anand

Contributor-Level 7

Answered Yesterday

The University of California Santa Barbara placement rate is around 80% for the Master of Technology Management program. University graduates get job offers within 6 months after completing the degree. Top companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, and Meta hire University of California, Santa Barbara

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Shiksha Jain

Contributor-Level 6

Answered Yesterday

There are a lot of M.Tech scholarships available in India, with some offered by private companies, NGOs, and even alumni networks, not just the government. The applications start early, often in March-June. Some scholarships offer handsome stipends apart from covering tuition fee, research projects,

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

Answered Yesterday

To be eligible for admission to M.Tech at KIIT School of Civil Engineering, candidates must be graduated in the relevant stream. The detailed eligibility requirements for the programme is as follows:

B.E. or B.Tech. or equivalent Degree (e.g. AMIE, GRADE-IETE etc.) in respective branches of Engineeri

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Mayank Dixit

Beginner-Level 5

Answered Yesterday

Yes, M.Tech is available at KIIT School of Civil Engineering. The duration of the programme is two-years. Candidates can pursue M.Tech across following specialisations:

  • Construction Engineering & Management
  • Structural Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • Environmental Engineer

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Tanisha Kalra

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 days ago

JCT College of Engineering offers a full-time M.E. programme across four specialisations. These are as follows:

  • Engineering Design
  • Power Electronics and Drives
  • Structural Engineering
  • VLSI Design


Loveleen Jain

Beginner-Level 4

Answered 2 days ago

Here are the different types of popular M.Tech courses available in India:

  • Regular MTech: This is the most common type, focusing on detailed theoretical and practical knowledge within a specific engineering specialization.
  • MTech by Research: This programme emphasizes solely on research and thesis work

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 days ago

The M Tech full form is Master of Technology, a degree programme that focuses on advanced studies and research in a specific engineering discipline. Check the key points below:
• You can take up a lot of specializations that go well with your interests as well as industry needs (e.g., CSE, Mechanical

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

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