RRB NTPC typing test will be conducted on August 12 for Level 5 and 2 posts. RRBs have activated the link to check CBTST city slip on August 4. Candidates eight times the number of vacancies have been selected for Typing Skill Test based on RRB NTPC CBT 2 result. Check RRB NTPC typing test details including pattern, railway typing test rules, RRB NTPC typing test post.
RRB NTPC Typing Test Details
Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) will release RRB NTPC admit card 2022 for Typing Test by August 8. The city intimation link has been released. To download the admit card and city intimation link, candidates need to enter user ID and password. The city intimation slip display details such as test city, test state, date of exam, exam time, reporting time, gate closure time, exam start time and shift. The Computer Based Typing Skill test for the qualified candidates will be conducted on August 12.
Candidates who have qualified the CBT 2 exam will appear for the Computer Based Typing Skill Test (CBTST). The total number of candidates shortlisted for appearing in CBTST is eight times the number of revised vacancy. Shortlisted candidates CBTST should exercise their option for Typing Language or either English/Hindi. If candidates do not choose the language then default typing language will be English.
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Shortlisted PwBD candidates who are permanently disabled due to blindness/low vision, cerebral palsy & loco Motor Disability with less than 40 per cent permanent disability are exempted from CBTST. Such eligible PwBD candidates have to upload a scanned copy of RRB NTPC Typing Skill Test Exemption Certification issued by the competent authority.
Instructions Related to RRB NTPC Typing Test
Candidates can check below the instructions related to RRB NTPC Typing Test:
- The candidates are required to type at least 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi
- The candidates will have to type in English or Hindi, as per option exercised by them on RRB websites. English will be the Typing Language for those who have not exercised their option Candidates who have opted Hindi for Typing Test must be familiar with the usage of Krutidev or Mangal font
- The exam session consists of three parts as Typing practice for one minute to warm up & familiarize with key board, Break of 30 seconds and Typing Test for 10 minutes which will be taken for evaluation
- As the skill test is to determine the speed, candidates who have completed the passage can retype passage from the beginning within the duration of test i.e. 10 minutes. Candidates who do not type the whole passage at least once in 10 minutes will be treated as disqualified. The transcripts of those candidates who do not type 300 words in English or 250 words in Hindi within the prescribed time will not be evaluated
- The evaluation of the passage typed by the candidate will be done as follows:
- The mistakes will be classified as full mistakes and half mistakes. 5% mistakes of the total words typed may be ignored. Accordingly, the total number of mistakes will be calculated as under:
- No. of full mistakes + No. of half mistakes/2 = Total Mistakes
- Number of mistakes – 5% of total number of words typed = Final count of mistakes
- The typing speed of the candidate will be worked out by the following formula:
- Typing Speed= No. of total words typed – (Final count of mistake x 10)/Time
- For example: If a candidate types a total number of 400 words in 10 minutes and commits 10 final count of mistakes, his speed would be worked out as follows:
- 400-(10x10)/10= 300/10 = 30 w.p.m
- The minimum speed should be 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi
Check here RRB NTPC exam city for Typing Test-https://dc4-g22.digialm.com/EForms/configuredHtml/2667/68658/login.html
RRB NTPC Typing Test Post Details
RRB NTPC typing test post are applicable for Level 2 and 5 posts such as Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time Keeper, Typing Skill Test (TST).
Click here to exercise language option for RRB NTPC Typing Test-https://iroams.com/skilltest/
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RRB NTPC Score Card 2022
RRB NTPC Exam Pattern 2022
Railway Typing Test Rules
Railway Typing Test rules and pattern are explained below for candidates who will appear in the exam:
- RRBs conducts Railway typing test online
- RRB NTPC Typing Test is qualifying in nature. This means marks obtained in typing skill test will not be added for merit
- Candidates eight times the number of revised RRB NTPC vacancies are called for Computer Based Typing Skill Test
- Candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Personal Computer only without editing tools and spell check facility
- Railway Typing Test Rules for those who will appear for Typing skill test in Hindi, Kruti Dev and Mangal font will be made available on Personal Computer
- Exemption in Typing Skill Test is extended to candidates who are permanently disabled due to Blindness/Low Vision, Cerebral Palsy & Loco Motor Disability with not less than 40 per cent permanent disability
- Such eligible PwBD candidates have to upload a scanned copy of Typing Skill Test Exemption Certificate issued by the Competent Medical Board as per the format
- The merit will be drawn only for the candidates qualified in the TST or TST exempted PwBD candidates based on performance in CBT 2 exam
- They are advised to use commonly used font faces with font-size 12. For typing test in Hindi on PC, candidates are required to use Mangal or Krutidev fonts with font-size 14
- The duration of Typing Skill Test is 10 minutes. If a Candidate does not qualify in typing speed, then he/she will be considered unsuccessful in Typing Skill Test and he/she will not be considered further for the post of Sr. Clerk-cum-typist/Jr. Account Assistantcum-Typist irrespective of the marks obtained by him / her in the Final Written Test of RRB NTPC
- The candidates must return the model passage paper along with their transcripts to the Invigilator after the examination is over. They should not take out of the examination hall either the model passage paper or transcript or any other blank typing paper. They should not tear any sheet given to them. If a candidate uses more than one sheet, he/she should fasten all the sheets securely before handing over to the Invigilator
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RRB NTPC Typing Test Details: Evaluation Process
RRB NTPC typing test online adopts a standard method for counting words. The measure adopted for counting words is @ 5 strokes per word. Candidates will be required to type a minimum of 300 words or 1500 strokes in English to attain a speed of 30 words per minute OR 250 words or 1250 strokes in Hindi for the prescribed speed of 25 words per minute within the prescribed duration of 10 minutes.
5 per cent mistakes of the total words typed may be ignored and thereafter for every mistake corresponding number of words will be deducted from the total words typed for arriving at the final speed according to the illustration/formula.
Mistakes to the extent of 5 per cent of the total words typed will be ignored and thereafter for every full or half mistake, corresponding number of words will be deducted from the total words typed for arriving at the final speed
The transcripts of those candidates who do not type out 300 words / 1500 strokes in English or 250 words/1250 strokes in Hindi in the prescribed time will not be evaluated
Candidates must start typing from the starting of the question paper and must complete the whole paper. If any candidate finishes the paper before the allotted time, he/she should restart the same passage and continue typing until expiry of the time
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RRB NTPC Typing Test Details FAQs
Q: When RRB NTPC Typing Skill Test will be conducted?
A: RRB NTPC Typing Skill Test will be conducted on August 12 for candidates who have qualified CBT 2 under Level 2 and 5.
Q: In which mode RRB NTPC Typing Skill Test is conducted?
A: RRB NTPC Typing skill test is conducted online in computer based mode.
Q: For which posts Typing skill test for RRB NTPC conducted?
A: RRB NTPC Typing skill test is conducted for Senior Clerk cum Typist, Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist, Senior Time Keeper, Junior Clerk cum Typist, Accounts Clerk cum Typist and Junior Time Keeper, Typing Skill Test (TST). Candidates eight times the number of vacancies are called for typing test.
Q: Is RRB NTPC Typing skill test qualifying in nature?
A: Yes, RRB NTPC typing skill test is qualifying in nature. The marks obtained in this test are not counted for final merit list. Final selection will be done based on the performance in CBT 2 exam.
Q: What is the pattern of Typing skill test?
A: Candidates should be able to type 30 words per minute (WPM) in English or 25 WPM in Hindi on Personal Computer only without editing tools and spell check facility. The duration of Typing Skill Test is 10 minutes.
Q: What documents the candidate is required to bring for appearing in the Typing Skill Test?
A: Candidates need to bring the following documents for Typing Skill Test:
- E-Call letter for the Typing Skill Test
- a recent passport size colour photograph (to be pasted on RRB counter foil of E-Call letter)
- original valid photo Identification Card
Q: Who is exempted from Typing Skill Test and what document should be submitted for the exemption?
A: PwBD candidates who bring the Certificate for Typing Skill Test Exemption from Competent Medical Board duly countersigned by Medical Superintendent/CMO/Head of Hospital are exempted from Typing Skill Test. However, such PWD candidates are required to attend venue of Typing Skill Test on the day of test along with E-Call Letter, Valid photo ID, one passport size colour photograph for submission of Exemption Certificate and for attendance/biometric etc.
Q: How many mistakes are allowed in typing test?
A: To clear the test, the candidate must have a minimum Net typing Speed of 30 words per minute. Maximum 8% mistakes would be permissible to pass the test, meaning thereby that at least 92% accuracy is required in addition to the typing speed.
Q: How to clear RRB NTPC Typing skill test?
A: The tips and tricks to clear the RRB NTPC typing test online are given below:
- Focus on accuracy over speed
- Practice any given phrase
- Set specific goals.
- Attempt mock test for typing skill test
- Analyse the time and speed for typing a particular phrase
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