The National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the UGC NET 2024 Environmental Science exam on January 15, 2025. The candidates preparing for the UGC NET exam 2024 can check the updated syllabus for the Environmental Science syllabus in the article.
UGC NET Environmental Science syllabus 2024 is prescribed by the Unversity Grants Commission (UGC) and the exam is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA), The UGC NET Environmental Science exam 2024 for December session will be held on January 15, 2025. The detailed schedule has been released yet by the NTA. The UGC NET 2024 December session exam will be conducted from January 3 to January 16, 2025. The candidates preparing for the UGC NET exam must go through the NTA NET Environmental Science syllabus and exam pattern to ensure quality preparation for the exam.
The UGC NET comprises two Papers- Paper 1 (General Paper) and Paper 2 (Specialised Subject). The candidates who want to appear for the UGC NET Environmental Science exam must choose subject code 89. Check the subject wise Environmental Science syllabus for the NTA NET December 2024 exam in the article.
Q: What is the section-wise weightage of Paper 1 and Paper 2 in the UGC NET exam?
Q: What is the marking scheme of UGC NET 2024 December session exam?
The marking scheme of the UGC NET exam is provided below for the candidates. Following the marking scheme for the UGC NET exam, candidates can understand the exam pattern and prepare for the examination well. The marking scheme will also help the candidate to count the probable scores from the UGC NET provisional answer key that is released by the National Testing Agency (NTA):
a) For correct answer 2 marks are awarded
b) For incorrect answer there is no negative marking
c) Unanswered/marked for review: 0 (no marks given)
d) If a question is found to be incorrect/ambiguous or has multiple correct answers, only those candidates who have attempted the question and chosen one of the correct answers would be given the credit.
E) If a question is found to be incorrect and the Question is dropped, then two marks (+2) will be awarded to only those candidates who have attempted the question
Q: What is the latest exam pattern for UGC NET 2024 exam?
The UGC NET 2024 exam pattern is outlined in the official notification by the NTA. It consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. The duration of the exam is three hours, Both papers consist of objective type multiple-choice questions (MCQs), totaling 150 questions across both papers. Each question weightage is two marks. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers.
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UGC NET Environmental Science Syllabus Overview 2024
The candidates can check the overview of the UGC NET Environmental Science syllabus in the table below:
UGC NET Environmental Science Syllabus Overview 2024 | |
Conducting Authority | National Testing Agency (NTA) |
UGC NET Application 2024 | 19-Nov-2024 to 11-Dec-2024 |
UGC NET Exam Date 2024 | 3-Jan-2025 to 16-Jan-2025 |
UGC NET Exam Pattern 2024 | Paper 1:
Paper 2
Official Website | |
UGC NET 2024 Environmental Science Paper 1 Syllabus
The candidates can check the Paper 1 syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science exam below:
- Teaching Aptitude
- Research Aptitude
- Reading Comprehension
- Communication
- Reasoning (including Maths)
- Logical Reasoning
- Data Interpretation
- Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
- People & Environment
- Higher Education System,
- Governance
- Polity & Administration
Also Read: UGC NET Eligibility Criteria 2024
UGC NET Environmental Science Syllabus: Unit Wise
The candidates can check the revised topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET environmental science exam below:
- Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences
- Environmental Chemistry
- Environmental Biology
- Environmental Geosciences
- Energy & Environment
- Environmental Pollution & Control
- Solid & Hazardous Waste Management
- Environmental Assessment, Management and Legislation
- Statistical Approaches and Modelling in Environmental Sciences
- Contemporary Environmental Issues
Also Read: List of UGC NET subjects
UGC NET Environmental Science 2024: Unit Wise Detailed Syllabus
The candidates can check the detailed unit wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science syllabus below in the article. The UGC NET EVS Paper 2 syllabus comprises ten units-Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences, Environmental Chemistry, Environmental Biology, etc.
UGC NET EVS UNIT 1 Syllabus: Fundamentals of Environmental Sciences
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 1 syllabus below:
- Definition, Principles and Scope of Environmental Science
- Laws of Thermodynamics: heat transfer processes, mass and energy transfer across various interfaces, material balance.
- Meteorological parameters - pressure, temperature, precipitation, humidity, mixing ratio, saturation mixing ratio, radiation and wind velocity, adiabatic lapse rate, environmental lapse rate. Wind roses.
- Environmental education and awareness. Environmental ethics.
- Interaction between Earth, Man and Environment. Biogeographic provinces of the world and agro-climatic zones of India. Concept of sustainable development.
- Natural Resources and their Assessment. Remote Sensing and GIS: Principles of remote sensing and GIS. Digital image processing and ground truthing. Application of remote sensing and GIS in land cover/land use planning and management (urban sprawling, vegetation study, forestry, natural resource), waste management and climate change.
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Q: What is the UGC NET exam pattern?
The UGC NET (National Eligibility Test) is a national-level exam conducted by the National Testing Agency NTA on behalf of the University Grants Commission (UGC). The exam is conducted twice a year to determine the eligibility of candidates for the post of Assistant Professor and for awarding Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universities and colleges. The exam is conducted in two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Here are the details of the UGC NET exam pattern: Paper 1: a) Duration: 3 hours (180 minutes combining both papers) b) Total marks: 100 c) Number of questions: 50 d) Type of questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) e) Marking scheme: Each question carries 2 marks. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. F) Syllabus: Teaching and research aptitude, reasoning ability, comprehension, divergent thinking, and general awareness. Paper 2: a) Duration: 3 hours (180 minutes combining both papers) b) Total marks: 200 c) Number of questions: 100 d) Type of questions: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) e) Marking scheme: Each question carries 2 marks. There is no negative marking for incorrect answers. f) Syllabus: Based on the subject selected by the candidate. The UGC NET exam is conducted in online mode. The questions in both papers are in English and Hindi except for languages other than English and Hindi. Candidates need to secure the minimum qualifying marks in both papers to be eligible for Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship (JRF).
Q: What is the use of UGC NET exam analysis?
UGC NET EVS UNIT 2 Syllabus: Environmental Chemistry
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 2 syllabus below:
- Toxic Chemicals. Pesticides and their classification and effects. Biochemical aspects of heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr) and metalloids (As, Se). CO, O3, PAN, VOC and POP. Carcinogens in the air.
- Principles of Analytical Methods. Titrimetry, Gravimetry, Bomb Calorimetry, Chromatography (Paper Chromatography, TLC, GC and HPLC), Flame photometry, Spectrophotometry (UV-VIS, AAS, ICP-AES, ICP-MS), Electrophoresis, XRF, XRD, NMR, FTIR, GC-MS, SEM, TEM.
- The Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry: Classification of elements, Stoichiometry, Gibbs’ energy, chemical potential, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibria, solubility of gases in water, the carbonate system, unsaturated and saturated hydrocarbons, radioisotopes.
- Composition of Air. Particles, ions and radicals in the atmosphere. Chemical speciation. Chemical processes in the formation of inorganic and organic particulate matters, thermochemical and photochemical reactions in the atmosphere, Oxygen and Ozone chemistry. Photochemical smog
- Hydrological Cycle. Water as a universal solvent. Concept of DO, BOD and COD. Sedimentation, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, pH and Redox potential (Eh).
- Inorganic and Organic Components of Soil Biogeochemical cycles – nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus and sulphur.
UGC NET EVS Unit 3 Syllabus: Environmental Biology
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 3 syllabus below:
- Ecology as an Interdisciplinary Science. Origin of life and speciation. Human Ecology and Settlement.
- Ecosystem Structure and Functions: Structures - Biotic and Abiotic components. Functions - Energy flow in ecosystems, energy flow models, food chains and food webs. Biogeochemical cycles, Ecological succession. Species diversity, Concept of ecotone, edge effects, ecological habitats and niche. Ecosystem stability and factors affecting stability. Ecosystem services.
- Basis of Ecosystem Classification. Types of Ecosystem: Desert (hot and cold), forest, rangeland, wetlands, lotic, lentic, estuarine (mangrove), Oceanic.
- Biomes: : Concept, classification and distribution. Characteristics of different biomes: Tundra, Taiga, Grassland, Deciduous forest biome, Highland Icy Alpine Biome, Chapparal, Savanna, Tropical Rain forest.
- Population Ecology: Characteristics of population, concept of carrying capacity, population growth and regulations. Population fluctuations, dispersion and metapopulation. Concept of ‘r’ and ‘k’ species. Keystone species.
- Community Ecology: Definition, community concept, types and interaction - predation, herbivory, parasitism and allelopathy. Biological invasions.
- Biodiversity and its Conservation: Definition, types, importance of biodiversity and threats to biodiversity. Concept and basis of identification of ‘Hotspots’; hotspots in India. Measures of biodiversity. Strategies for biodiversity conservation: in situ, ex situ and in vitro conservation. National parks, Sanctuaries, Protected areas and Sacred groves in India. Concepts of gene pool, biopiracy and bio-prospecting. Concept of restoration ecology. Extinct, Rare, Endangered and Threatened flora and fauna of India.
- Concept of Industrial Ecology
- Toxicology and Microbiology: Absorption, distribution and excretion of toxic agents, acute and chronic toxicity, concept of bioassay, threshold limit value, margin of safety, therapeutic index, biotransformation. Major water borne diseases and air borne microbes.
- Environmental Biotechnology: Bioremediation – definition, types and role of plants and microbes for in situ and ex situ remediation. Bioindicators, Biofertilizers, Biofuels and Biosensors.
UGC NET EVS Unit 4 Syllabus: Environmental Geosciences
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 4 syllabus below:
- Distribution of water in earth, hydrology and hydrogeology, major basins and groundwater provinces of India, Darcy’s law and its validity, groundwater fluctuations, hydraulic conductivity, groundwater tracers, land subsidence, effects of excessive use of groundwater, groundwater quality. Pollution of groundwater resources, Ghyben-Herzberg relation between fresh-saline water.
- Natural Hazards: Catastrophic geological hazards - floods, landslides, earthquakes, volcanism, avalanche, tsunami and cloud bursts. Prediction of hazards and mitigation of their impacts.
- Natural resource exploration and exploitation and related environmental concerns. Historical perspective and conservation of non-renewable resources.
- Origin of Earth: Primary geochemical differentiation and formation of core, mantle, crust, atmosphere and hydrosphere. Concept of minerals and rocks. Formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Controls on formation of landforms - tectonic including plate tectonic and climatic. Concept of steady state and equilibrium, Energy budget of the earth. Earth’s thermal environment and seasons. Coriolis force, pressure gradient force, frictional force, geo-strophic wind field, gradient wind. Climates of India, western disturbances, Indian monsoon, droughts, El Nino, La Nina. Concept of residence time and rates of natural cycles. Geophysical fields.
- Weathering including weathering reactions, erosion, transportation and deposition of sediments. Soil forming minerals and process of soil formation, Identification and characterization of clay minerals, Soil physical and chemical properties, soil types and climate control on soil formation, Cation exchange capacity and mineralogical controls.
- Geochemical classification of elements, abundance of elements in bulk earth, crust, hydrosphere and biosphere. Partitioning of elements during surficial geologic processes, Geochemical recycling of elements. Paleoclimate.
Also Read: UGC NET Books 2024 for Paper 1 & Paper 2
UGC NET EVS Unit 5 Syllabus: Energy & Environment
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 5 syllabus below:
- Sun as a Source of Energy; solar radiation and its spectral characteristics. Fossil fuels: classification, composition, physico-chemical characteristics and energy content of coal, petroleum and natural gas. Shale oil, Coal bed Methane, Gas hydrates. Gross-calorific value and net-calorific value.
- Nuclear Energy: Fission and fusion, Nuclear fuels, Nuclear reactor – principles and types
- Principles of generation of hydro-power, tidal energy, ocean thermal energy conversion, wind power, geothermal energy, solar energy (solar collectors, photo-voltaic modules, solar ponds)
- Environmental implications of energy use; energy use pattern in India and the world, emissions of CO2 in developed and developing countries including India, radiative forcing and global warming. Impacts of large scale exploitation of solar, wind, hydro and nuclear energy sources.
- Bioenergy: methods to produce energy from biomass.
UGC NET EVS Unit 6 Syllabus: Environmental Pollution and Control
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 6 syllabus below:
- Thermal, Marine, and Radioactive Pollution: Sources of Thermal Pollution, Heat Islands, causes and consequences. Sources and impact of Marine Pollution. Methods of Abatement of Marine Pollution. Coastal management. Radioactive pollution – sources, biological effects of ionizing radiations, radiation exposure and radiation standards, radiation protection.
- Noise Pollution: Sources, weighting networks, measurement of noise indices (Leq, L10, L90, L50, LDN, TNI). Noise dose and Noise Pollution standards. Noise control and abatement measures: Active and Passive methods. Vibrations and their measurements. Impact of noise and vibrations on human health.
- Air Pollution: Sources and types of Pollutants - Natural and anthropogenic sources, primary and secondary pollutants. Criteria air pollutants. Sampling and monitoring of air pollutants (gaseous and particulates); period, frequency and duration of sampling. Principles and instruments for measurements of (i) ambient air pollutants concentration and (ii) stack emissions. Indian National Ambient Air Quality Standards. Impact of air pollutants on human health, plants and materials. Acid rain. Dispersion of air pollutants. Mixing height/depth, lapse rates, Gaussian plume model, line source model and area source model. Control devices for particulate matter: Principle and working of: settling chamber, centrifugal collectors, wet collectors, fabric filters and electrostatic precipitator. Control of gaseous pollutants through adsorption, absorption, condensation and combustion including catalytic combustion. Indoor air pollution, Vehicular emissions and Urban air quality.
- Water Pollution: Types and sources of water pollution. Impact on humans, plants and animals. Measurement of water quality parameters: sampling and analysis for pH, EC, turbidity, TDS, hardness, chlorides, salinity, DO, BOD, COD, nitrates, phosphates, sulphates, heavy metals and organic contaminants. Microbiological analysis – MPN. Indian standards for drinking water (IS:10500, 2012). Drinking water treatment: Coagulation and flocculation, Sedimentation and Filtration, Disinfection and Softening. Wastewater Treatment: Primary, Secondary and Advanced treatment methods. Common effluent treatment plant.
- Soil Pollution: Physico-chemical and biological properties of soil (texture, structure, inorganic and organic components). Analysis of soil quality. Soil Pollution control. Industrial effluents and their interactions with soil components. Soil micro-organisms and their functions - degradation of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers.
UGC NET EVS Unit 7 Syllabus: Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 7 syllabus below:
- Solid Waste: types and sources. Solid waste characteristics, generation rates, solid waste components, proximate and ultimate analyses of solid wastes.
- Hazardous Wastes: Types, characteristics and health impacts. Hazardous waste management: Treatment Methods – neutralization, oxidation reduction, precipitation, solidification, stabilization, incineration and final disposal.
- Solid Waste Collection and Transportation: container systems - hauled and stationary, layout of collection routes, transfer stations and transportation.
- Solid Waste Processing and Recovery: Recycling, recovery of materials for recycling and direct manufacture of solid waste products. Electrical energy
generation from solid waste (Fuel pellets, Refuse derived fuels), composting and vermicomposting, biomethanation of solid waste. Disposal of solid wastes – sanitary land filling and its management, incineration of solid waste - Fly Ash: sources, composition and utilisation.
- Plastic Waste: sources, consequences and management.
- E-Waste: classification, methods of handling and disposal.
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UGC NET EVS Unit 8 Syllabus: Environmental Assessment, Management, and Legislation
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 8 syllabus below:
- Overview of Environmental Laws in India: Constitutional provisions in India (Article 48A and 51A). Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 amendments 1991, Forest Conservation Act, 1980, Indian Forest Act, Revised 1982, Biological Diversity Act, 2002, Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 amended 1988 and Rules 1975, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 amended 1987 and Rules 1982, Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986 and Rules 1986, Motor Vehicle Act, 1988, The Hazardous and Other Waste (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016, The Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, The Bio-Medical Waste Management Rules, 2016, The Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, The e-waste (Management) Rules 2016, The Construction and Demolition Waste Management Rules, 2016, The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical (Amendment) Rules, 2000, The Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2010 with Amendments, The Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 and Rules 1991, Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000, Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ) 1991 amended from time to time.
- Risk Assessment: Hazard identification, Hazard accounting, Scenarios of exposure, Risk characterization and Risk management.
- Aims and objectives of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA). Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP). EIA Guidelines. Impact Assessment Methodologies. Procedure for reviewing EIA of developmental projects. Life-cycle analysis, costbenefit analysis. Guidelines for Environmental Audit. Environmental Planning as a part of EIA and Environmental Audit. Environmental Management System Standards (ISO14000 series). EIA Notification, 2006 and amendments from time to time. Eco-labeling schemes.
- Policies of the Environment: National Forest Policy, 1988, National Water Policy, 2002, National Environmental Policy, 2006.
- Environmental Conventions and Agreements: Stockholm Conference on Human Environment 1972, Montreal Protocol, 1987, Conference of Parties (COPs), Basel Convention (1989, 1992), Ramsar Convention on Wetlands (1971), Earth Summit at Rio de Janeiro, 1992, Agenda-21, Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Convention on Biodiversity (1992), UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, 1997, Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), Earth Summit at Johannesburg, 2002, RIO+20, UN Summit on Millennium Development Goals, 2000, Copenhagen Summit, 2009. IPCC, UNEP, IGBP.
UGC NET EVS Unit 9 Syllabus: Statistical Approaches and Modelling in Environmental Sciences
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 9 syllabus below:
- Attributes and Variables – types of variables, scales of measurement, measurement of Central tendency and Dispersion, Standard error, Moments – measure of Skewness and Kurtosis, Basic concept of probability theory, Sampling theory, Distributions - Normal, log-normal, Binomial, Poisson, t, 2 and F distribution. Correlation, Regression, tests of hypothesis (t-test, test ANOVA: one-way and two-way); significance and confidence limits.
- Attributes and Variables – Approaches to development of environmental models; linear, simple and multiple regression models, validation and forecasting. Models of population growth and interactions: Lotka-Voltera model, Leslie’s matrix model.
Also Read:
UGC NET EVS Unit 9 Syllabus: Contemporary Environmental Issues
The candidates can check the topic-wise syllabus for the UGC NET Environmental Science Unit 9 syllabus below:
- Global Environmental Issues – Biodiversity loss, Climate change, Ozone layer depletion. Sea level rise. International efforts for environmental protection.
- National Action Plan on Climate Change (Eight National missions – National Solar Mission, National Mission for Enhanced Energy Efficiency, National Mission on Sustainable Habitat, National Water Mission, National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, National Mission for a ‘Green India’, National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture, National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change).
- Current Environmental Issues in India: Environmental issues related to water resource projects - Narmada dam, Tehri dam, Almatti dam, Cauvery and Mahanadi, Hydro-power projects in Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal and North-Eastern States.
- Water conservation-development of watersheds, Rain water harvesting and ground water recharge.
- National river conservation plan – Namami Gange and Yamuna Action Plan.
- Eutrophication and restoration of lakes. Conservation of wetlands, Ramsar sites in India.
- Soil erosion, reclamation of degraded land, desertification and its control.
- Climate change - adaptability, energy security, food security and sustainability.
- Forest Conservation – Chipko movement, Appiko movement, Silent Valley movement and Gandhamardhan movement. People Biodiversity register.
- Wild life conservation projects: Project tiger, Project Elephant, Crocodile Conservation, GOI-UNDP Sea Turtle project, Indo-Rhino vision.
- Carbon sequestration and carbon credits.
- Waste Management – Swachha Bharat Abhiyan.
- Sustainable Habitat: Green Building, GRIHA Rating Norms.
- Vehicular emission norms in India.
- Epidemiological Issues: Fluorosis, Arsenocosis, Goitre, Dengue.
- Environmental Disasters: Minnamata Disaster, Love Canal Disaster, Bhopal Gas Disaster, 1984, Chernobyl Disaster, 1986, Fukusima Daiichi nuclear disaster, 2011.
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UGC NET Environmental Science Exam Pattern 2024
UGC NET exam comprises two papers- Paper 1 and 2. As per the prescribed UGC NET Environmental Science exam pattern, both papers contain multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in offline mode. Candidates need to complete both papers in a single duration of three hours. Have a look at the detailed UGC NET exam pattern 2024 below.
UGC NET Paper |
Number of Questions |
Marks |
Paper 1 |
50 |
100 |
Paper 2 |
100 |
200 |
Total |
150 |
300 |
UGC NET EVS Preparation Tips 2024
Have a look at some of the best UGC NET preparation tips 2024 below to score high in the EVS subject:
- Go through the detailed UGC NET EVS exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly.
- Undertake deep studies initially to cover the whole syllabus.
- Prepare study notes for quick revision at a later stage.
- Practice more with the help of UGC NET previous year’s question papers 2024
- Solve more and more UGC NET mock tests 2024
- Revise the UGC NET important topics on a daily basis.
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Shikha Goyal is an author with expertise in various domains, especially engineering. She has postgraduate degrees in Mathematics as well as Mass Communication and Journalism. She has devoted her life to helping stud... Read Full Bio
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Student Forum
Answered Yesterday
The UGC NET (University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test) is a national-level exam in India conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on behalf of the UGC. It determines eligibility for Assistant Professorship and awards the Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in Indian universities and
Beginner-Level 5
Answered 2 days ago
To change your UGC NET application subject from Home Science to Life Science, you need to access the "Application Correction Window" on the official NTA UGC NET website, login using your credentials, and modify the subject selection to "Life Science" within the designated timeframe; make sure to che
Contributor-Level 10
Answered 3 days ago
Obtaining access to your UGC NET admit card requires a visit to the official website at Visitors can access the UGC NET admit card download link on the website then complete the login process by using application number and date of birth alongside a security key. The display of you
Contributor-Level 7
Answered 3 days ago
National Eligibility Test (NET) examination allows students to take place before entering into a PG course. University Grants Commission (UGC) lets students who participate in their Master's degree final year examinations or have finished their Master's degree to sit for the NET exam. A candidate do
Contributor-Level 7
Answered 3 days ago
Hi Monika,
Yes, you are eligible to apply for the UGC NET exam in Political Science after completing your Master's degree in Political Science. The University Grants Commission (UGC) requires candidates to have a Master's degree or equivalent with at least 55% marks (50% for SC/ST/PwD/Transgender ca
Contributor-Level 9
Answered 4 days ago
Sample papers for the UGC NET Political Science examination are provided on the official website of UGC NET, which is Many educational institutions like Adda247, Testbook, and Shiksha have made available downloadable practice papers in PDF from 2009 to 2023. Solving these papers h
Contributor-Level 6
Answered a week ago
Yes, you can definitely try the UGC NET in Environmental Science if you hold a Master's degree in Botany. The UGC NET eligibility criteria also include that such applicants holding their Master's degrees in subjects allied to Environmental Science are acceptable too. Botany falls in that category as
Contributor-Level 9
Answered a week ago
The new syllabus for UGC NET 2025 is divided into two papers: Paper 1 carries topics like General Teaching and Research Aptitude which are: Teaching Aptitude, Research Aptitude, Comprehension, Communication, Mathematical Reasoning, and Data Interpretation. This carries a total of 50 MCQs carrying 10
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Answered a week ago
Since there is no separate Statistics paper in the UGC NET exam, you can choose Mathematical Sciences (Code 88). This subject includes topics from statistics, mathematics, and operations research, making it the best fit for your background.
Beginner-Level 2
Answered a week ago
Yes, the National Testing Agency released the UGC NET 2024 answer key for the December session on its official website - The UGC NET answer key is made available through the candidates' login on the official website. Along with the release of the answer key, the UGC NET response sh
Beginner-Level 2