What is Machine Learning syllabus : Latest Updated Syllabus for syllabus

Updated on Nov 6, 2024 05:58 IST
Jaya Sharma

Jaya SharmaAssistant Manager - Content

Complete Machine Learning Syllabus

Module Topics Objectives Suggested Duration
1. Foundations - Introduction to ML
- Types of ML: Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement
- Applications of ML
Understand the basics of ML and its applications 1 week
2. Mathematics for ML - Linear Algebra
- Probability and Statistics
- Calculus (Derivatives, Partial Derivatives)
- Optimization Basics
Build the mathematical foundation to understand ML algorithms 2–3 weeks
3. Data Handling - Data Preprocessing
- Feature Engineering
- Data Cleaning
- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
Learn to prepare, clean, and analyze data 2 weeks
4. Programming Basics - Python for ML: NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
Gain proficiency in Python and ML libraries 1–2 weeks
5. Supervised Learning - Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Trees
- Random Forests
- Support Vector Machines (SVM)
Understand core supervised learning algorithms 3–4 weeks
6. Model Evaluation - Cross-Validation
- Performance Metrics (Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1 Score, ROC, AUC)
Learn to evaluate and improve model performance 1–2 weeks
7. Unsupervised Learning - Clustering: K-Means, Hierarchical, DBSCAN
- Dimensionality Reduction: PCA, t-SNE
Master unsupervised learning techniques 2–3 weeks
8. Feature Engineering - Handling Categorical Variables
- Scaling and Normalization
- Feature Selection and Extraction
Learn to improve model performance through feature manipulation 1 week
9. Ensemble Methods - Bagging
- Boosting (AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting, XGBoost)
- Stacking
Understand advanced model combination techniques 2 weeks
10. Neural Networks - Basics of Neural Networks
- Activation Functions
- Backpropagation
- Feedforward Networks
Build a foundation in deep learning 2 weeks
11. Deep Learning - Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
- Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
- Transfer Learning
Gain advanced skills in deep learning techniques 3 weeks
12. Reinforcement Learning - Introduction to RL
- Markov Decision Processes
- Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning
Learn the basics of decision-making algorithms 2 weeks
13. Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Text Preprocessing
- Word Embeddings (Word2Vec, GloVe)
- Transformers (BERT, GPT)
Understand and implement text-based ML models 3 weeks
14. Time Series Analysis - Forecasting Basics
- ARIMA Models
- LSTM for Time Series
Learn to analyze and predict time-based data 2 weeks
15. Advanced Topics - AutoML
- Explainable AI (SHAP, LIME)
- Generative Models (GANs, VAEs)
Explore cutting-edge advancements in ML 2–3 weeks
16. Deployment - Model Deployment with Flask, FastAPI
- Introduction to ML Ops
- Cloud Platforms: AWS, GCP, Azure
Learn to deploy ML models into production 2 weeks
17. Capstone Project - Identify a real-world problem
- Data Collection and Preprocessing
- Model Development and Deployment
Apply learned skills to a comprehensive project 4 weeks

Open Source Dataset for Machine Learning Projects:

Domain Dataset Name Description Link
General Purpose Kaggle Datasets A variety of datasets across domains such as healthcare, sports, finance, etc. Kaggle
  UCI Machine Learning Repository Classic machine learning datasets for regression, classification, and clustering tasks. UCI Repository
  Google Dataset Search Search engine for datasets across multiple domains. Google Dataset Search
Computer Vision MNIST Handwritten digit dataset (0–9). MNIST
  CIFAR-10 / CIFAR-100 Dataset of 32x32 images across 10 and 100 classes, respectively. CIFAR
  COCO Large-scale object detection, segmentation, and captioning dataset. COCO
  ImageNet A large database organized according to the WordNet hierarchy. ImageNet
  Open Images Dataset with labeled images for object detection and segmentation. Open Images
  LFW (Labeled Faces in the Wild) A dataset of face images for facial recognition and verification tasks. LFW
Natural Language Processing (NLP) IMDb Movie Reviews Dataset Sentiment analysis dataset for movie reviews. IMDb
  Common Crawl Large dataset of web pages for NLP tasks. Common Crawl
  SQuAD (Stanford Question Answering) Dataset for question-answering systems. SQuAD
  Yelp Reviews Reviews dataset for sentiment analysis and text classification. Yelp
  Twitter Sentiment Analysis Dataset Dataset for analyzing sentiment in tweets. Twitter Sentiment
  Wikipedia Dump Text corpus of Wikipedia articles for NLP tasks. Wikipedia Dump
Healthcare MIMIC-III Critical care dataset with de-identified health data. MIMIC-III
  Breast Cancer Wisconsin Dataset Classification dataset for diagnosing breast cancer. Breast Cancer
  NIH Chest X-rays Chest X-ray images with 14 disease labels. NIH Chest X-rays
  COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) Research dataset for COVID-19 literature and studies. CORD-19
  Heart Disease Dataset Predicting heart disease using clinical data. Heart Disease
Finance Lending Club Loan Dataset Dataset for loan classification and default prediction. Lending Club
  Bitcoin Historical Dataset Bitcoin price and trading volume data for time-series analysis. Bitcoin Dataset
  Stock Market Dataset Stock prices of S&P 500 companies for predictive modeling. Stock Market
Audio and Speech LibriSpeech Speech dataset for automatic speech recognition tasks. LibriSpeech
  UrbanSound8K Urban sound classification dataset with audio clips. UrbanSound8K
  VoxCeleb Large-scale speaker identification dataset. VoxCeleb
Time-Series Data UCI HAR Dataset Human activity recognition using smartphone accelerometer data. UCI HAR
  Electricity Load Forecasting Dataset Time-series dataset for electricity consumption. Electricity
  NOAA Weather Dataset Weather data for temperature and precipitation analysis. NOAA Weather
  Jena Climate Dataset Climate data for weather forecasting. Jena Climate
Gaming OpenAI Gym Simulated environments for reinforcement learning. OpenAI Gym
  Atari Games Dataset Atari game data for reinforcement learning. Atari Games
Social Media Facebook Comment Volume Dataset Predict the volume of comments on Facebook posts. Facebook
  Instagram Dataset Dataset for social media analytics. Instagram
Transportation New York City Taxi Dataset Trip duration prediction and time-series analysis. NYC Taxi
  Uber Pickups Dataset Uber trip data for predictive analysis. Uber Dataset

Recommended Machine Learning Books You Must Read

Book Title Author(s) Why It’s Recommended Level
1. Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow Aurélien Géron A practical guide to building machine learning and deep learning models using Python. Beginner to Intermediate
2. Machine Learning Yearning Andrew Ng Focuses on practical machine learning strategies and how to structure ML projects effectively. Beginner
3. Python Machine Learning Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili Covers a wide range of ML techniques with practical examples in Python, including deep learning with PyTorch. Beginner to Intermediate
4. Deep Learning Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville Comprehensive coverage of the mathematical and theoretical foundations of deep learning. Advanced
5. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Christopher Bishop Offers a mathematical perspective on ML, covering Bayesian approaches and probabilistic models. Intermediate to Advanced
6. The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book Andriy Burkov Concise and beginner-friendly overview of key ML concepts and algorithms. Beginner
7. Introduction to Statistical Learning Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani A beginner-friendly introduction to statistical learning methods with examples in R. Beginner to Intermediate
8. Elements of Statistical Learning Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman A more in-depth and mathematical version of "Introduction to Statistical Learning." Advanced
9. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig Comprehensive textbook covering AI concepts, including ML, reasoning, and decision-making. Intermediate to Advanced
10. Data Science for Business Foster Provost, Tom Fawcett Focuses on the business applications of machine learning and data science. Beginner
11. Probabilistic Machine Learning: An Introduction Kevin Murphy Provides a detailed introduction to probabilistic modeling and inference techniques in ML. Intermediate
12. Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning David Barber Explores Bayesian approaches in machine learning with practical applications. Intermediate
13. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto Definitive book on reinforcement learning concepts and algorithms. Intermediate to Advanced
14. Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On Maxim Lapan Practical guide to implementing RL algorithms using PyTorch. Intermediate
15. Mathematics for Machine Learning Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, Cheng Soon Ong Focuses on the essential mathematics required for understanding machine learning. Beginner to Intermediate
16. Data Science from Scratch Joel Grus Covers ML and data science concepts with implementation from scratch in Python. Beginner to Intermediate
17. Building Machine Learning Powered Applications Emmanuel Ameisen A hands-on guide to designing, building, and deploying production-ready ML applications. Intermediate
18. Applied Predictive Modeling Max Kuhn, Kjell Johnson Focuses on predictive modeling techniques and evaluation methods. Intermediate
19. Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective Kevin Murphy Comprehensive coverage of probabilistic models and modern machine learning techniques. Advanced
20. TensorFlow for Deep Learning Bharath Ramsundar, Reza Bosagh Zadeh Practical guide to implementing deep learning models with TensorFlow. Intermediate

Machine Learning Platforms to Explore

Platform Description Link
Kaggle Datasets, ML competitions, and tutorials to practice. Kaggle
Hugging Face Tutorials and pre-trained models for NLP and deep learning. Hugging Face
Google Colab Free cloud-based platform for running ML experiments. Colab
Papers with Code ML research papers paired with open-source code implementations. Papers with Code
TensorFlow Official documentation and tutorials for TensorFlow framework. TensorFlow
PyTorch Tutorials for deep learning using PyTorch. PyTorch

Machine Learning Capstone Projects You Can Try

Domain Project Idea
Supervised Learning Predict house prices using regression techniques.
  Build a spam email classifier.
  Predict loan defaults with credit scoring data.
  Forecast sales for a retail store.
  Classify handwritten digits (MNIST dataset).
  Predict diabetes risk using medical data.
  Build a stock price prediction model.
  Customer churn prediction for a telecom company.
  Predict exam scores using student performance data.
  Identify fake news articles.
Unsupervised Learning Customer segmentation using clustering.
  Movie recommendation system using collaborative filtering.
  Anomaly detection in network traffic.
  Market basket analysis using association rule mining.
  Create a music genre classifier.
  Analyze clickstream data to cluster web visitors.
  Document topic modeling using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).
  Cluster articles based on sentiment analysis.
  Image compression using K-Means.
  Build a fraud detection system using clustering techniques.
Deep Learning Develop a facial recognition system.
  Build a chatbot using recurrent neural networks.
  Create an object detection model (YOLO or Faster R-CNN).
  Implement an image caption generator.
  Build a speech-to-text conversion model.
  Create a handwriting generation model.
  Develop an autonomous driving car simulation.
  Create a human pose estimation system.
  Design a neural style transfer system.
  Generate deepfake videos using GANs.
Natural Language Processing Sentiment analysis for Twitter data.
  Build a named entity recognition (NER) system.
  Create a question-answering system (BERT or GPT models).
  Automatic text summarization of news articles.
  Translate languages using machine translation models.
  Build a chatbot with conversational AI.
  Perform sarcasm detection in online reviews.
  Create a plagiarism detection tool using NLP techniques.
  Develop an email subject line predictor for marketing.
  Implement grammar and spell-check systems using NLP.
Computer Vision Develop an emotion recognition system using facial expressions.
  Create a plant disease detection system using leaf images.
  Build a traffic sign classification model.
  Implement an autonomous driving lane detection system.
  Create a face mask detection model for public spaces.
  Develop an AI-powered virtual try-on system for clothing.
  Create a wildlife species recognition system using camera trap images.
  Build an AI-based video surveillance system for security.
  Develop a photo restoration system for old or damaged images.
  Build an augmented reality application for real-time object labeling.
Reinforcement Learning Develop a reinforcement learning agent to play chess.
  Create a self-driving car simulation using RL.
  Build a trading bot for stock market simulations.
  Develop an RL agent to optimize delivery routes.
  Create an energy management system for smart grids.
  Develop a personalized tutoring system using RL.
  Build a game-playing AI for classic arcade games (e.g., Pac-Man).
  Create a multi-agent RL system for cooperative robotics.
  Optimize warehouse inventory using RL-based strategies.
  Implement RL to solve maze navigation tasks.
Advanced Applications Develop a multi-class image segmentation system for medical imaging.
  Create a predictive maintenance model for industrial machinery.
  Build a personalized shopping assistant using recommendation engines.
  Develop a text-to-image generation model using DALL-E-like techniques.
  Build a neural architecture search system for optimizing ML models.
  Create a smart assistant for scheduling and time management.
  Develop a blockchain-based fraud detection system using AI.
  Build an AI-driven resume screening tool for recruitment.
  Develop a weather forecasting system using time-series analysis.
  Create a personalized fitness coach using IoT and AI integration.
Health and Medicine Create a disease diagnosis system using medical images (e.g., X-rays).
  Predict heart disease risk using patient health data.
  Develop a drug discovery pipeline using deep learning.
  Build an AI system for personalized nutrition recommendations.
  Create an AI-powered health chatbot for preliminary medical queries.
  Develop an assistive AI tool for detecting early signs of Alzheimer's disease.
  Implement an AI-based cancer detection model using biopsy images.
  Build a remote health monitoring system using wearable devices.
  Create a stress detection system using facial and physiological signals.
  Develop a genetic sequence analyzer for identifying genetic disorders.
IoT and Edge AI Create a smart home automation system using AI and IoT devices.
  Build a predictive maintenance system for IoT-connected machinery.
  Develop an AI-driven traffic management system using edge computing.
  Create a smart parking system with real-time availability detection.
  Implement an AI-powered energy consumption optimizer for smart homes.
  Build an AI-based voice assistant for IoT device control.
  Create a smart irrigation system using AI and IoT sensors.
  Develop an AI-powered air quality monitoring system.
  Build a fleet management system using AI and IoT integration.
  Create a real-time intrusion detection system for smart homes.

Most Popular Courses

Following are the most popular What is Machine Learning courses, based on alumni reviews. Explore these reviews to choose the best course in What is Machine Learning.

Popular What is Machine Learning UG Courses

Following are the most popular What is Machine Learning UG Courses . You can explore the top Colleges offering these UG Courses by clicking the links below.

UG Courses

Popular What is Machine Learning PG Courses

Following are the most popular What is Machine Learning PG Courses . You can explore the top Colleges offering these PG Courses by clicking the links below.

PG Courses

Popular Exams

Following are the top exams for What is Machine Learning. Students interested in pursuing a career on What is Machine Learning, generally take these important exams.You can also download the exam guide to get more insights.

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Answered Yesterday

Lateral entry admission is possible for Diploma in Mechanical graduates at Universal College of Engineering Kaman who wish to study AI and ML provided they satisfy the admission requirements. B.Tech's second-year students can integrate through lateral entry process after finishing their Diploma prog

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Kapil Lalwani

Contributor-Level 10

Answered a week ago

Today, almost every industry is using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning models to make their work easy. From healthcare to manufacturing, every sector is using AI and make their productivity high and automate the process. So, is it the right engineering course to pursue? Yes, AI/ML is a r

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Loveleen Patra

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 3 weeks ago

To get into the affiliated colleges of MDU Rohtak for the AI and ML course, candidates need to score between 88415 and 533242 for the General AI category candidates. Considering the MDU Rohtak cutoff 2024, yes, it is possible to get into the university with 100k rank but for specific colleges. For S

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Yatendra Kumar

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 weeks ago

NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) students can face unique challenges when seeking admission to universities. Here's is some information which helps you.

Admission Based on 12th Marks

Typically, NIOS students are eligible for admission to universities based on their 12th standard marks. Howe

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Shubham Awasthi

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 3 weeks ago

The seat allotment at SSPU Pune for BTech courses is done based on applicants exam scores. There are a total of 60 sanctioned seats for the AI and ML programme. Candidates are admitted as per the sanctioned seat intake. The mentioned count is as per the official website/sanctioning body. It is still

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Ranjeeta Karan

Contributor-Level 6

Answered 3 weeks ago

The course curriculum is curated in a way that provides knowledge of core topics related to the specialisation. Candidates can choose only one domain elective in each semester of second and third year. Candidates pursuing this course have complete an internship within the course duration. Some of th

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Saumya Shukla

Contributor-Level 6

Answered a month ago

There are about 1,300+ B Tech Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning colleges in India. Some of them are mentioned below along with their tuition fees:

College NamesTuition Fee

IIT Vellore Admission

INR 8 lakh

SRM Institute of Science and Technology Admission

INR 10 Lacs – INR 18 lakh

Chandigarh University Admission

INR 10 lakh

B1 - Lovely Professional University

INR 14 Lacs - INR 16 lakh

IIT Roorkee Admission

INR 8 lakh

NIT Surathkal Admission

INR 5 lakh



Tasbiya Khan

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Throughout the program, students will have support from:

Mentor: An expert in the field who will help you stay on track with weekly 30-minute one-on-one video calls, scheduled at a time that fits your busy life.

Career coach: They'll assist you with things like resume reviews, mock interviews, job sea

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Chanchal Aggarwal

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Course requirements vary by program, but Sriingboard offer options for students from all professional backgrounds and skill levels.

Individuals don't need a bachelor's degree to apply for a Springboard course. While degree level won't affect the admission, however, they do suggest a bachelor's degree

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Chanchal Aggarwal

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Springboard offers Bootcamps for various skills such as Cybersecurity, Data Science, UX/UI Design, and Software Engineering. Their Bootcamp is an online programme designed to help individuals become proficient in a particular skill. The course lasts about six months and is structured to provide both

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Chanchal Aggarwal

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Kishkinda University Ballari offers a BTech in AI and ML for 4 years. The Institute offers BTech in AI and ML for INR 10.46 Lacs of total tuition fees. Candidates must secure a minimum aggregate of 45% in Class 12 from a recognised board. The average package during the placements was recorded at INR

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Aashi Madavi

Beginner-Level 5

Answered 2 months ago

There are about 200+ M.Tech in AI & ML colleges in India. Some of them are mentioned below along with their tuition fees:

MTech CollegesTuition Fee
IIT Delhi MTechINR 3 lakh
DTU MTechINR 2 lakh
VIT Vellore MTechINR 4 lakh
AI0 Hyderabad MTechINR 24,000
IIT Roorkee MTechINR 20,000


Tasbiya Khan

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

There are about 1,300+ NIT in AI & ML colleges in India. Some of them are mentioned below along with their tuition fees:

BTech CollegesTuition Fee
VIT Vellore BTechINR 8 lakh
IIT Madras BTechINR 8 lakh
IIT Kharagpur BTechINR 8 lakh
IIT Hyderabad BTechINR 8 lakh
NIT Surathkal BTechINR 5 lakh


Tasbiya Khan

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Yes, candidates can surely get admission for B.E. in AI and ML course through KCET. The BITM-Ballari Institute of Technology and Management cutoff 2024 varied from 31700 to 374337 for the General AI category candidates. Wherein, the B.E. in Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning cutoff was 515

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Mohit Singh

Beginner-Level 5