Structural Engineering Syllabus 2025: Subjects, Semester-wise Syllabus PDF, Top Colleges, Books

Updated on Nov 10, 2022 02:25 IST
Vidhi Jain

Vidhi JainContent Writer

Structural Engineering Syllabus: There is a speciality of civil engineering called Structural Engineering. Structural engineers are responsible for designing the most important portion of man-made structures. They must consider the constructions' sturdiness, strength, and stiffness. The architects and service engineers use their plans and their own to create an incredible structure. This discipline's students are also engaged in designing machines, medical devices, and vehicles whose operational and safety depend on their structural integrity. 

Structured engineering is a combination of theoretical understanding of physical principles and hands-on experience with various materials and geometries. They use basic structural ideas to develop complicated structural structures. Creative and efficient architecture may be achieved by employing the smallest number of resources, components, and materials possible. 

Tall buildings, bridges, dams, flyovers, and other such contemporary constructions are all covered in this course, making it an excellent starting point for anybody interested in a career in construction. It is a professional master’s degree in civil engineering. The applicant must have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering or other relevant subjects to apply to the MTech Structural Engineering programme. 

Syllabus – Important Facts for Structural Engineering 

  • M.Tech in Structural Engineering: The course is divided into four six-month semesters. A student is exposed to various practical areas of training in this profession and is allowed to do project work. Part of the training includes industrial visits, seminars, and guest lectures by industry professionals. 
  • The first two semesters are devoted to classroom instruction, including lectures, seminars, workshops, and discussions in small groups on recent advancements in the subject. The latter semesters are mostly focused on lectures and projects. It's also common for students to make industrial trips in their final year of school and for industry professionals from different fields to visit the college and speak to them. 
  • General entrance exam: The GATE test is the primary criterion for acceptance into the programme. Colleges may have their examinations for admission. 
  • The M.Tech Structural Engineering programme applicants must have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering from an Indian university or institution. 
  • Scope of Structural Engineering: Students who complete the training programme may pursue a career in the construction industry. In this regard, positions are available in both the commercial and public sectors. 
  • Structural Engineering syllabus in IITs: The most reputed university in India for Structural Engineering, the Indian Institute of Technology, offers many core courses. Some are listed below:  

Advanced Structural Analysis, Finite Element Methods in Structural Engineering, , Solid Mechanics in Structural Engineering , Structural Dynamics, Theory of Concrete Structures  

Theory of Steel Structures, etc. 

  • Structural Engineering in NITs: The National Institute of Technology has many branches in India and is a preferred institution for studying Structural Engineering. The program objectives of M.Tech in Structural Engineering are: 

Applied Mathematics, Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity, Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, Structural Dynamics, etc.  

List of Subjects in Structural Engineering

Some of the subjects in Structural Engineering in core and electives that the students need to opt for in this course are:  

Typical Core Subjects for Structural Engineering 

Core subject matter includes all materials included on the syllabi of Structural Engineering 


Subject Details 

Advanced structural analysis 

Structural analysis is a collection of mechanical theories that adhere to physical rules to understand and predict the behaviour of structures. Several types of engineering artefacts fall under the umbrella of structural analysis. 

Structural dynamics 

When a structure is exposed to dynamic (high-acceleration) loads, structural dynamics analyses the structure's behaviour. People, wind, waves, traffic, earthquakes, and explosions are all examples of dynamic loads. Dynamic loading may be applied to any structure. 

Solid Mechanics  

Deformation, load, and strain in solid objects may be calculated in these fields of applied mechanics. To avoid damage or accidents, it's common to test the structural strength of a bridge, for example. 

Finite Element Methods 

Natural issues may be solved using the Finite Element Method (FEM), a process for numerically solving the equations. Slope deflection, the Work energy principle, etc., are all complicated physical structures that cannot be evaluated using ordinary mathematical methods. 

Theory of Concrete Structures 

According to this, the design of a structure consists of two parts: the first part determines forces at every location or element of the provided structure, and the second part selects and designs sections to resist these forces, such as stresses and deformations within permissible bounds. 

Theory of Steel Structures 

Whenever the area of the pressure steel is equal to or higher than the area of the tensile steel, it could be used to identify an estimated value of the moment of resistance of a doubly reinforced beam. This is particularly useful in situations where the area of the compression steel is greater than the area of the tensile steel. 

Earthquake Analysis and Design 

The capacity of a building to bend, swing, and deform without collapsing is an important component of earthquake-resistant constructions. When an earthquake's horizontal and vertical shear stresses are applied to a ductile structure, it bends and flexes. 

Structural Engineering Laboratory 

Activities span the range from teaching and research to development and consulting. The core activity is experimenting with structural components and assemblies under diverse static and dynamic loading situations. 

Typical Elective Subjects for Structural Engineering 

From a list of these elective subjects, a student needs to opt for a few subjects at specific semesters in addition to the core subjects. 


Subject Details 

Analytical and Numerical Methods for Structural Engineering 

Accurate algorithms are used in numerical approaches when it comes to solving mathematical issues. Mathematical problems may be solved numerically or analytically using accurate theorems and formulae derived from analytic approaches.  

Blast Resistant Design of Structures 

Study to build a building to resist large blasts. Thick steel walls and interior features and fittings intended to survive the elevated psi levels associated with modest to major blast events are often used in constructing these structures. 

Design of Bridge Structures 

The following phases in the engineering design process are necessary for creating secure bridge structures: Developing a thorough grasp of the issue, identifying probable bridge loads, combining these loads to find the maximum possible load, and calculating mathematical correlations are all steps in the solution process. 

design of fibre reinforced composite structures  

Damage-sensing or structural health monitoring (SHM) is essential for protecting fibre-reinforced composite structures, such as wind turbine blades, from repetitive complicated loading or straining. 

Design of Masonry Structures 

Using structural masonry, the building's walls can sustain themselves and carry their weight because of how the masonry components are installed. The foundation and eventually the earth will be supported equally by the walls. 

Prestressed and Composite Structures 

Composite construction occurs in Structural Engineering when two distinct materials are bonded together so tightly that they operate as one unit from a structural standpoint. It's known as composite action when this happens. Steel beams supporting concrete floor slabs are one such example. 

Detailed Syllabus for Structural Engineering 

To get a better understanding of the subjects mentioned above, learn about their elaborated syllabus: 


Core/ Elective 

Subject Title 




Applied Mathematics 

Physics, engineering, medical, biology, finance, business, computer science, and industry use mathematical approaches. Applied mathematics combines maths with specific expertise. 

List of some topics:  

  • Polar co-ordinates 
  • Quotient law  
  • Chrioleffel symbols  
  • The inverse of a matrix 
  • Two-dimensional heat flow in a transient state 
  • Legendre and Bessel equations  


Advanced Structural Analysis 

Different methods are discussed to solve statically indeterminate structures. 

List of topics:  

  • Introduction to matrix methods of analysis  
  • Transformation of coordinates  
  • element stiffness matrix 
  • elements flexibility equations 
  •  mixed force 
  • structure idealisation stiffness and flexibility matrices 


Structural Dynamics 

It involves the theoretical and/or experimental study of time-dependent external loads and/or deformations on a structure or structural element and the internal stress and displacement response, including inertial effects. 

It includes:  

  • Theory of vibrations: 
  • Fundamental objectives of dynamic analysis 
  • Single Degree of Freedom Systems : 
  • Multi Degree of Freedom Systems 
  • Introduction to Earthquake Analysis 


Computer-based numerical methods 

It includes: 

  • Solutions to linear equations 
  • Interpolation 
  • Finite Differences and their Applications 
  • Numerical Differentiation 
  • Ordinary Differential Equation 


Prestressed concrete 

Prestressed concrete enables engineers to apply predefined stresses to counterbalance loading strains. 

It includes:  

  •  Pre–tensioning and post–tensioning–Prestressing  
  • Losses of Prestress  
  • Design of Section for Flexure 
  • Deflections of Prestressed Concrete Beams  
  • Transfer of Prestress in Pretensioned Members 
  • Statically Indeterminate Structures 




Earthquake Analysis and design 

It deals with: 

  • Engineering Seismology 
  • Conceptual designs 
  • Reinforced Concrete Buildings 
  • Structural Walls and Non-Structural Elements 
  • Ductility Considerations in Earthquake Resistant Design of RC Buildings 


Advanced concrete design 

Mixing materials generates concrete's strength and durability. Creating a good concrete mix isn't simple since each component has various qualities. 

  • Behaviour in flexure 
  • Design of flanged beams 
  • Design for Torsion 
  • Limit Analysis of R.C.Structures 
  • Design of Ribbed slabs, Flat slabs 


Maintenance and rehabilitation of structures 

Insuring the strength, permeability, and durability of concrete as-built in construction, 

thermal properties and cracking.  

Special concrete and mortar, concrete chemicals, special elements for accelerated strength gain, and Expansive cement. 



Design of steel structures  

It includes the design of members subjected to lateral loads and axial loads, Principles of analysis and design of industrial buildings and bents, Types of connections, Introduction to composite design, etc. 




Optimization Techniques 

Introduction to need and scope of optimization, Objective function and its surface, design variables. Learn about Classical Optimization Techniques, Fully stressed design and optimally criterion-based algorithms, Non-linear Programming, Introduction to quadratic programming. 



Industrial Structures 

Limit analysis of steel structures, Mechanical properties of structural steel, Moment curvature relations, Limit load, Coplanar load, Types of mechanisms method for performing moment check, etc. 


Thesis phase 1 

With a problem-method-results-discussion structure, a thesis is a lengthy experimental, theoretical, or design report.  



Thesis phase 2 

Phase 2 of the thesis deals with further completion of the thesis adding in the dissertation, and final submission of the thesis. 

Specialisations offered in Structural Engineering 

A structural engineer often focuses on one area of engineering. Large air and sea constructions like aeroplanes and ships might be included, as well as engineering for pipelines, bridges, and buildings. Some specialisation in Structural Engineering are mentioned below: 




Construction Management. 

Materials and equipment 

Project cost estimation and control 

Residential and commercial building 

Safety procedures 

Construction project software 

Operations research 

Project planning and scheduling processes 

Marketing management 

Managerial accounting 

These civil engineers oversee a building project from start to finish, coordinating all the professionals involved in such a project, including architects, builders, electricians, plumbers, and financiers. Much construction management involves keeping risk to a minimum by focusing on safety and compliance with local, state and federal building codes. 

Environmental Engineer 

Computational Method and Probability Statistics 

Wastewater Treatment 


Environmental Geology 

Geo-Environmental Engineering 

This specialisation branch focuses on creating projects that sustain or improve the environment in which they exist. Many advances have been made in sustainability in recent years, including using alternative energy sources like solar, wind or water, better insulation to reduce energy usage, and plumbing fixtures that use less water, among other methods. Likewise, engineers can position buildings to harness natural light and solar energy in more sustainable ways. 

Geotechnical Engineering 

Advanced Soil Mechanics. 

Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 

Advanced Foundation Engineering. 

Geotechnical Laboratory. 

Theoretical Soil Mechanics. 

Dynamics of Soil and Foundation. 

Computer Application in Engineering. 

Geotechnical Investigation Practice. 

The stability of the soil and rock on which a project is built and its chemical composition are the main considerations of the geotechnical engineering speciality. Softer ground requires different building methods than harder ground or rock, and geotechnical engineers can prevent foundations from crumbling or damaging erosion from runoff patterns on a building project's land. 

Structural Engineering 


Structural engineers need to ensure that buildings or other structures can support their weight and those who will be using them. By calculating the load a structure is likely to encounter, structural engineers help determine which building materials are used and how the structure's skeleton is assembled. 

Books and Authors Related to Structural Engineering 

As Structural Engineering is a highly versatile field with many specialisations, students follow a wide range of books during their graduation or post graduation. Listed below are some books that are highly referred to. 


Book title 



Advanced structural Analysis 

Structural Analysis  


This book presents a fresh and insightful look at matrix analysis of structures.  

Structural Dynamics 

Dynamics of Structures 

Clough & Penzien 

A form of structural analysis called structural dynamics examines how a structure responds to dynamic (activities with high acceleration) loads. 

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design  

Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design  

P.C. Varghese 

This book gives details of Advance Concrete which is a computer-aided design (CAD) programme used for modelling and detailing reinforced concrete buildings.  The domains of structural and civil engineering as well as drawing employ Advance Concrete. 

Finite Element Analysis 

Finite element Methods  

OC Zienkiewicz 

Calculations, models, and simulations are used in finite element analysis (FEA) to forecast and comprehend how an item could react under different physical situations. FEA is used by engineers to identify flaws in their design prototypes. 

Prestressed Concrete 

Design of pre-stress concrete structures  

T.Y. Lin and Burn 

Prestressed concrete book explains that this concrete is a very adaptable building material because of its two primary constituents: high-strength, pre-stretched steel and contemporary, pre-compressed concrete. 

Engineering Seismology 

Earthquake Resistant Design of structures  

S. K. Duggal 

This book explains  the Seismology branch that assesses a site or region's seismic danger for earthquake engineering. 

Entrance Exams for Structural Engineering 

Below are the central and state-level examinations for M.Tech Structural Engineering at top Indian universities. These tests need a decent B.Tech. in civil engineering. Each test has distinct score cutoffs. 

  • GATE 
  • PGEE 
  • Other colleges entrance exams 

GATE is moderate to challenging, whereas the other tests are moderate. Civil engineering is well-studied for these exams. Most exams are multiple-choice. Tests can get you into IITs, NITs, and IIITs for M.Tech. in Structural Engineering. 

Syllabus for Distance Program in Structural Engineering 

Some Indian institutions provide MTech Structural Engineering online or part-time. These distance programmes assist working people greatly. Distance education helps students who can't afford full-time classes. Part-time or distance M.Tech Structural Engineering programmes are available for students who can't take full-time courses. Distance education programmes have comparable curricula to normal ones. The evaluation structure (30% internal assessment, 70% end-semester test) is similar to standard courses. 

Top distance education institutes include IGNOU, Sri Venkateswara College, Thapar University, BIT, Mesra, Manipal University, etc. 

Top Colleges for Structural Engineering 

The best Structural Engineering institutions in India are based on their curriculum, elective options, and in-house employment chances. 

S. No


Syllabus PDFs


National Institute of Technology (NIT) 

Download Here

International Institute of Information Technology 

To be uploaded soon

Delhi Technological University  

Download Here

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES) 

To be uploaded soon


Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science 

To be uploaded soon


Institute of Aeronautical Engineering (IARE) 

To be uploaded soon


Visveswarya Technological University 

To be uploaded soon


MVJ College of Engineering 

To be uploaded soon

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 

To be uploaded soon


Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 

To be uploaded soon

Structural Engineering Syllabus FAQs

Q: Who is a Structural Engineer?

A: The structural engineer's job is to assure the safety of occupants or users by analysing, designing, planning and conducting research on structural components and systems. Safety, technical, economic and environmental problems are the primary considerations in their work, but they may also consider artistic and social aspects.  

Q: How is the exam pattern for the GATE exam divided?

A: Engineering Mathematics, Structural Engineering, Geomatics, Water Resource Engineering, Environmental and Transportation Engineering, and Geotechnical Engineering comprise the first seven sections of the GATE Syllabus for Civil Engineering. The GATE Civil engineering test also contains questions from the General Aptitude component in addition to these topics. There will be a total of 65 questions for 100 points.  

Q: What are the subjects in M.Tech in Structural Engineering programs?

A: Subjects covered in M.Tech Structural Engineering are: 
  • Structures Designed with the Aid of Computers. 
  • A computer analyses structures. 
  • Structures for storage and manufacturing. 
  • Sandwich Panels: Analysis and Development. 
  • Structures Resistant to Earthquakes Designed. 
  • The foundation of a machine. 
  • Concrete structures using pre-stressed concrete. 
  • Civil engineering forensics. 

Q: Can you enroll in the Structural Engineering programme as a part-time student?

A: If you take the design project courses sequentially in the same academic year, you may enrol in the programme as a part-time student. Most part-time students can finish their degrees in two to three years by enrolling in one or two classes every semester. 

Q: What are the duties of a Structural Engineer?

A: Structural engineers work on creating safe, durable structures and improving the fundamental integrity of existing buildings.   Key tasks: 
  • reports, designs, drawings 
  • loads and stresses calculations 
  • choosing building materials 
  • giving advice 
  • getting planning and/or building rules permission coordinating with architects 
  • monitoring and checking contractor work 

Q: Is it possible to take a Structural Engineering course online?

A: Several colleges and universities offer distance learning courses, such as IIT Bombay, IIT Madras, NITs, etc.

Q: Does a Structural Engineer require a JEE score?

A: A JEE score is required for a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering. However, a GATE score is required for M.Tech in Structural Engineering , not a JEE score.  

Q: Which specialisation in Structural Engineering is the best?

A: Civil engineers specialising in construction management supervise a building project from start to completion, coordinating the many professions involved, including architects, builders, electricians, plumbers, and financiers.  

Q: Is there any entrance exam for a Structural Engineering course?

A: Entrance exams are conducted at the national level as well as university level. Entrance exams such as GATE, TANCET, PNCEE, etc., are conducted for M.Tech in Structural Engineering  courses.  

Q: What are the approximate fees for Structural Engineering courses?

A: The fee for the course varies at the individual college level. The fee ranges from INR 1.61 lakhs to INR 11.36 lakhs for the course duration.  

Q: What is civil engineering seismology?

A: Seismology is the study of the creation, propagation, and recording of elastic waves as well as the sources that generate them. Engineering geology studies rock and soil surface materials, as well as groundwater, using geological data, methodologies, and ideas.  

Popular Exams

Following are the top exams for Structural Engineering. Students interested in pursuing a career on Structural Engineering, generally take these important exams.You can also download the exam guide to get more insights.

4 Feb ' 25 - 6 Feb ' 25

JEE Main Answer Key 2025 Session 1

1 Feb ' 25 - 25 Feb ' 25

JEE Main 2025 Session 2 Registration

30 Dec ' 24 - 15 Feb ' 25

MHT CET 2025 Application Form

16 Feb ' 25 - 22 Feb ' 25

MHT CET 2025 Application Form with late fee

15 Feb ' 25

GATE 2025 Exam (CY | AE | DA | ES | PI | EC | GE ...

16 Feb ' 25

GATE 2025 Exam (CE1 | GG | CH | PH | BT | CE2 | S...

21 Jan ' 25 - 18 Apr ' 25

BITSAT 2025 application form - Session 1 and Both...

29 Apr ' 25 - 1 May ' 25

BITSAT 2025 application form correction facility ...

Popular Structural Engineering Colleges in India

Following are the most popular Structural Engineering Colleges in India. Learn more about these Structural Engineering colleges (Courses, Reviews, Answers & more) by downloading the Brochure.
2.69 L
17.92 LPA

#2 India Today

2 Courses
3 L
14 LPA

#1 India Today

2 Courses
1 L - 3 L

Top 25 in India

2 Courses
20 K - 8 L
17 - 19 LPA

#3 The Week

2 Courses
1.23 L - 1.84 L

#7 India Today

2 Courses
20 K - 10 L
21.28 LPA

#4 India Today

Popular Private Structural Engineering Colleges in India

1 Course
60 K
5.8 LPA
1 Course
1.2 L
1 Course
1.28 L
3.6 LPA

Top 20 in Nagpur

62 K
1 Course
1.23 L

Popular Structural Engineering UG Courses

Following are the most popular Structural Engineering UG Courses . You can explore the top Colleges offering these UG Courses by clicking the links below.

UG Courses

Popular Structural Engineering PG Courses

Following are the most popular Structural Engineering PG Courses . You can explore the top Colleges offering these PG Courses by clicking the links below.

PG Courses


Student Forum

chatAnything you would want to ask experts?
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Answered 3 weeks ago

In order to secure admission to integrated BTech-MTech Civil Structural Engineering course at popular Indian colleges, you must secure at least 50 to 60% marks in Class 12 in the PCM subjects, which may vary on the basis of the academic institution. For example, the IITs require at least 75% in Cla

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 weeks ago

In order to secure admission to M.Tech in Structural Engineering course at the IITs, you must secure at least 60% marks in your bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering or a related field. For reserved category candidates, the marks eligibility requirement is usually 55% in graduation. Further, you ha

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 weeks ago

There is no such strict age criteria for pursuing courses in Structural Engineering at popular academic institutes in India. However, looking at the past admission trends in Structural Engineering courses, students are usually between 18 years and 24 years of age at the time of taking admission to i

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 weeks ago

The duration of Structural Engineering courses generally depends on the course level. The courses in Structural Engineering are mostly available at the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate levels. Some institutions also offer PG-Diploma courses that span between 1 year and 2 years.

Talking abou

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 3 weeks ago

You should definitely go for a course in Structural Engineering as the scope of the field is vast with recruiters actively looking for talented individuals and offering them handsome salary packages.

  •  Environment-friendly construction practices are also gaining a lot of importance these days with str

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Vidhi Jain

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Civil engineering and structural engineering are closely related fields, but they have distinct roles and responsibilities. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:

FeatureCivil Engineering
Structural Engineering
FocusDesign and construction of entire infrastructure systems
Design and analysis of individual structures
ScopeBroader, encompassing various aspects of infrastructure like transportation, water resources, and environmental engineering
Narrower, focusing specifically on the structural integrity and stability of buildings and other structures
SkillsStrong foundation in mathematics, physics, and related engineering disciplines. Knowledge of various construction materials, methods, and codes. Excellent communication and collaboration skills.
Expertise in structural analysis, mechanics of materials, and computer-aided design (CAD) software. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills.
Typical responsibilitiesPlanning and designing infrastructure projects, managing construction processes, ensuring compliance with codes and regulations, conducting feasibility studies, and preparing technical reports.
Analyzing and designing structural elements like beams, columns, slabs, and foundations. Selecting appropriate materials and construction methods. Performing structural calculations and ensuring stability under various loads.
EducationBachelor's degree in civil engineering or related field.
Bachelor's degree in civil engineering or structural engineering. Master's degree may be preferred for certain positions.


Pragati Singh

Contributor-Level 10

Answered 2 months ago

Structural engineer can work as a State, County or City employee or for a private firm. A partial list of employers includes Public agencies, private companies such as consulting firms, construction companies, manufacturing companies, large industries, and the Military. As a structural engineer, you

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Pragati Singh

Contributor-Level 10